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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  November 17, 2012 6:00am-10:00am EST

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year. >> god bless you. >> sean: that's all time we have left. have a great weekend. see you back here on good morning, it's saturday, november 17th missiles continue to rain >> knew the attack in benghazi was an act of terror orchestrated by al qaeda. he also said his talking points were changed. who made the swap? >> plus, it's a sad day across america. the death of a twinkie. why union demands forced american icon 18,000 employees.
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"fox & friends" closed right now. i'm less concerned right now with the twinkie than i am the devil dog. >> what is the devil dog? ♪? >> you don't know what a devil dog is? >> i don't know what a devil dog is. >> i have never heard of it. never seen it. i never showed you. >> looks like a whoopi pie. >> we don't mean to make light of the 18,000 jobs lost. we are going to make light of the 18,000 jobs lost. i'm losing oonetettse. wonder bread. i haven't had a twinkie in 20 years. >> if you have one on your shelf it will still be good. >> coffee cake? [screams] >> exactly, thank you. >> i feel your outrage. >> we'll talk about what's happening regarding benghazi and those four americans killed there. david petraeus, the former head of the cia testified on capitol hill, on friday. and, look, there are a lot of
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questions after what petraeus told congress because we still don't know why exactly the talking points were changed. he said on friday that he knew it was terrorism from the very start. why then did the administration continue to push the agenda that it was regarding a spontaneous protest. >> his testimony even raised more questions than it provided answers. >> i think you are right. >> he said it was obviously it was terrorism. this is a closed door meeting. so we are relying on people who were inside the room to test as to what he said. what's funny is some of them all have different impressions of what he said. he said, according to them, i knew it was terrorism, in fact, the original report said it was ansar al sharia, this affiliate of al qaeda. but they said, i don't remember him saying that on september 14th. he said it was the video. i don't recall him saying it was ansar al sharia. >> it changed.
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they had talking points. who then chapghtd it. different interpretations we are getting from these congressman who were there here is representative john heck and peter king. here is their interpretation of the closed door hearings. >> the initial talking points put together in unclassified format at the house intelligence committee initially did state that al qaeda affiliated groups were involved. however, by the time we understand that went through its editing process after it left langley that reference was taken out. >> the fact is the best estimate of the intelligence community on september 15th and 16th was that there was direct al qaeda involvement. that was taken out. to me, again, if i had to presume i would say it was somebody in the administration had to have taken it out. because there was nobody in the director of national intelligence office. nobody in the cia that did it. so, it was someone else that did it. >> someone in the administration. if you go to the front page of right now you will see the big story on there that's racing raising the
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question in that piece. we will be speaking to peter king to try to figure out who the administration got the intelligence information their hands and said, okay, here, the intelligence community says al qaeda. now, let's get the eraser out. let's change it to extremists because somehow now we don't want to classify it as al qaeda when it was glaring to general petraeus and other intelligence officers. >> there is also the question of why change it. i mean, look, it begs the question did they want to keep that narrative that the war on terror had been won and al qaeda was crushed. what i felt was interesting is a statement from the administration they say it makes sense to be cautious to it avoid pointing fingers to avoid setting off a chain. >> cautious of accusing al qaeda a group who kills innocent people around the world whose intent is to kill americans? why? why not be cautious about the man who made a film. i'm not defending the filmmaker which is clearly moronic film?
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why accuse him you? put his life on the line immediately. >> $64,000 question is is who exexunged the al qaeda terrorism line before it was given to susan rice and she was sent out on those five sunday morning talk shows to say no it was actually a film and a riot gone bad. so as you know there were a couple of senators who say that they have lost faith with susan rice. that she went out and said something misleading. but the president, at his first press conference since being reelected said, please, don't blame her, in fact, he went so far to say she had nothing to do -- knee knew nothing about benghazi. she had nothing to do with benghazi. here he is defending susan rice. >> she made an appearance at the request of the white house in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her.
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if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. >> so. >> okay. then why the heck did you send her out there? she knew nothing about what happened. petraeus was in washington. several other high ranking officials who knew what happened were in washington. if you want us to go after you, then why the heck did you send her out there? >> democrat congressman and republic congressman going after and blasting susan rice and others saying look, this is very similar to colin powell going out there with misinformation in the weapons of mass destruction discussion in front of congress before went in iraq. charles krauthammer said look, mr. president, if you want us to take us at your word we will and let's i do secretary that a little bit. take a listen. >> let's take the president's own demand that we not pick on the little lady and we pick on him. all right. let's accept the challenge he said after all she was just my spokesman even though she knew nothing about this. all right, so what he is
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asking us to say is that the president of the united states, using a spokesman who knew nothing about the issue went on five television shows and gave one version of a story where the classified version clearly said this was a terror attack and, yet, the version that was heard on every network was this was a riot that got out of control. this was nothing else. and there is no evidence of anything else. that's pretty unequivocal. clearly if petraeus is saying today as he did that there was al qaeda and terrorist involvement in his report at the cia level and somehow it got altered, distorted or made deceptive by the time it reached the white house, the white house can see the see the classified information. knows it was a terror attack and puts out a story it wasn't. that is very strong evidence of deliberate deception at the highest level, and, yes, let's put it at the level of the president. >> where else do you put it? >> what's troubling about this though is this seems to be the
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narrative moving forward now. was al qaeda removed from the paperwork. tell end of the day it is we had all of these attacks on benghazi ahead of time. we had all a of these attacks in libya ahead of time. all the writing was on the wall ahead of time. all these extremist signs were on the wall ahead of time. why did this happen? why did we not have the security forces there? >> i see this is like a three pronged story. deception happened before the message which was muddled and misleading. why didn't we provide the protection if they called for protection why didn't we provide protection. what happens after the misleading message? what are we doing about it now? justifiable for the four americans. >> maybe we get a few more answers then. because we certainly don't have them now. >> meanwhile, it is a busy news day. we have to get right to your headlines and tell the you what is happening. we have a fox news alert for you. overnight, israel has expanded its air assaults on targets in benghazi.
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[explosions] >> military has hit more than 180 tax and underground rocket launching sites. this comes after hamas fired rockets at jerusalem. first time this week. militants targeted the holy city. and a strong sign that a ground war could be soon underway. israel's military calling up thousands of reservists to help defend the country. we have a live report for you at the bottom of the hour. and the search continues this morning for two workers still missing after an oil rig burst into flames in the gulf of mexico. the blast bringing fears of another massive oil leak like the bp spill two years ago. the coast guard says no oil is coming from the well and the blaze was quickly put out. it sparked when workers were said to be using the wrong kind of blow torch to cut an oil line. four other workers were badly burned. tragedy averted in the missouri after a woman tells police her son may have been planning a movie massacre like the one in colorado. blake brought two assault
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rifles and hundreds of bullets they say officers picked him up at a restaurant and arrested him when he admitted to plans of shooting people at the opening of twilight's latest movie breaking dawn. he also admitted he changed his mind and wanted to shoot up a wal-mart because he would be able to get more ammunition there take a look at this. the remains of a ship through the sand on fire island. super storm andy unearthed the wreckage believed to be the canadian ship. that ship ran aground in fog sometime between 1919 and 1922. sandy's power uncovered the entire thing. those are your headlines. >> how would they not know it's like a three year window that they wouldn't know? >> maybe records were not as specific back then? >> with a weigh in on this. >> they knew it was from fog. >> they got the fog part down. it may have gone missing.
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we don't know where mom is. >> the ship has been there the entire time just kind of partially uncovered. >> yes. >> always find this stuff in these storms. >> of course. all kinds of stuff that gets turned around. that's the way it is supposed to be but interesting for everybody seeing it from those kind of storms. much more calm than that little stretch we had with sandy and the nor'easter that came on after that here are your temps as you are weighing up. take a look at the satellite radar picture. we are showing you nothing right now. that's good news. down to the southeast though, there is a bit of a storm and it's going to continue to bring rain across coastal areas of florida and tomorrow in towards the carolinas. this had been a concern for a nor'easter that somehow people started talking about for coming wednesday thinking thanksgiving nor'easter. it's not going to happen. i don't know where that started to get out here. we don't have to worry about that no concerns from that really all of our action is out across the west. take a look at this. heavy rain falling across parts of pennsylvania.
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snow. places around tahoe. ski reports are going to be getting up to 2 feet of snow. that's great news for. they rain moves farther toward the north and specific northwest is going to deal with a very very rainy week and snow. they need it so they will take that as well. here are the high temperatures today. looking good for this time of year, 50s and 60's across the central plains. not bad at glul last year because you were shooting down that nor'easter thing for thanksgiving which is good for the parade. everyone wants to see the macy's thanksgiving day parade. nobody wants to see balloons fly away. lapse year did they cancel it. >> last year was a little bit windy so they lowered them a little bit. when it gets windy they bring the balloons down. if it's steady they let the balloons go as high as they can. >> there we go. rick is out there and reporting. >> out there holding the snoopy balloon this year. >> thanks, rick. >> coming up, hamas firing hundreds of rockets into israel as the crisis in the middle east intensifies. are they on the brink of an all-out war there consul
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general of israel weighs in next. >> so long twinies, goodbye wonder bread. farewell dingdong. >> donettes. >> forced to shut its doors and lay off more than 18,000 american workers. we will get the story. >> devil dogs. >> mini muffins. >> gone the way of the do, do bird. >> coffee cake. ♪ that is why you are my sugar -- ♪
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welcome bark, sirens sound in jerusalem as sound tanks near the gaza border. violence escalates in the middle east is israel on the brink of all out war with hamas. david seagull is the israeli consul general he knows these conflicts well. good to see you this morning. >> good to be on your show. >> that is the question this
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morning. we keep seeing the headlines this morning. will there be an all out war between hamas and israel? >> well, you know, it's up to hamas because hamas is firing hundreds of rockets in our civilian population. you know as americans are preparing for thanksgiving and holiday season we have a million israelis unfortunately in bomb shelters this weekend and most of this week these these rockets are being fired indiscriminately into the jerusalem and tel aviv. millions of people are in bomb cheryl's because iran's terrorist proxy hamas firing these iranian supply missiles into israel. so we need to put a stop to it. this is what this operation is about. it's purely defensive to put a stop to the rockets fire. >> now, we have seen everything that i have been reading about this seems like a changing face of this type of conflict. we haven't seen this escalation before and the nature of it because now they have long range missiles.
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a broader arsenal than they have ever had before. the ability to reach jerusalem. the ability to hit these targets inside israel. and this is of major concern. are you getting the support from the united states that you need to protect yourselves? >> we are getting full support. we are very appreciative of it. both political support from the entire u.s. government and congress and also the support through these iron dome systems that are knocking out these rockets from the sky and protecting our cities. we have had over 200 rockets came out of the sky over israel's main population centers over the last three days thanks to this u.s.-israel program. we are deeply appreciative to the american people today. >> support from egypt inside the gaza strip this morning. what are your concerns about support coming the other way and supporting hamas? >> well, we are putting pressure on hamas to top the
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terrorist bombings of israel. if we do, we can deescalate this operation. as for egypt. we hope very much they will continue playing the constructive role that they have v. played in the past in helping us broker a cease-fire so that the terrorist stop rocketing our civilian population. >> are you concerned though coming across the border? we have these large swaths of open area. have we seen movement, troop movements and are there any concerns that this could escalate on the ground as opposed to the air? >> well, we are very concerned about the situation. firing on jerusalem, especially before the holiday season and christmas is a very very serious escalation. we haven't had this kind of occurrence in jerusalem in over half a century. so we need to put a stop to it. we will do everything we can can to defend our population, including using ground troops if we need to. at this point we're preparing, we're preparing that option. and we hope very much that the terrorists get the message stop the bombing of israel.
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and we will deescalate the operation. >> israel prepared to defend itself. david, we appreciate you joining us this morning. please keep us up to date here on the developments on the ground there. >> thank you, guys. >> thanks, david. >> coming up on the show. she is a world class athlete, a model and mother of two with one on the way. how does jenny fench juggle all other responsibility. the president's tax math add up and crunch the numbers coming up. my insurance rates e probably gonna double.
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but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? ♪ ooh baby, can i do for you today? ♪
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>> nfl legend mike ditka recovering this mornings after sawferg minor stroke. 7-year-old was playing cards at a country club in chicago and rushed to a hospital. dick had told the newspaper was a minor stroke and is he doing okay. and a man convicted of plotting to bomb a new york city subway during rush hour will spend the rest of his life behind bars. 28-year-old spent several minutes spent several minutes during his sentencing singing verses from the koran and insisted on his innocence. is he an american citizen from bosnia. alli? >> is he the face of the fast pitch softball after winning two olympic medals she is arguably the biggest star in the sport. joining us now is jenny fench. welcome rumor has it you are
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seven months pregnant but i don't believe that. >> i promise, she is there she makes herself evidence and known daily. >> that's great. you refer to her as she. you have two young sons, of course, but you know this time you are having a daughter. and i read that you think that there are different responsibilities and sort of different values that come with having a daughter definitely, i'm trying to become more aware. i have two older brothers. so i luckily was bought up in the tom boy. helped me athletically first softball player. excited. definitely some worries. one of the biggest ones is how soft my husband is going to be with her and how he already has fingers wrapped around. it will be fun. we are looking forward to it. >> of course of course, obviously you believe in sports for young girls. what do you think that gives them? >> definitely studies have proven that obesity rates grades are higher. pregnancy rates are lower.
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it's tremendous benefits of sports. we will definitely have her involved, knowing team work, leadership and life lessons i was able to learn and my husband was able to learn through sports. definitely our kids will be involved in athletics. >> your husband, of course, is also an athlete, casey. you are an athlete. you are a mother to two young sons you are a career woman. you are pregnant. how are you balancing it all? >> it's not ease yvmentd i think every working parent out there is constantly torn between trying to do it all. especially this day and age of multitasking everything. but i'm excited to be part nerd with moderation there is tons of tips on how to balance. i know for myself working out used to be my job now obviously it's a little different. i have retired from softball now. how important it is for not only myself and my kids. encouraging family activity and for me it's not an hour at
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the gym anymore. it's 30 minutes of kick ball or jumping on the trampoline or flag football with our family. >> seriously why do you look so good? >> when i was pregnant i took that as a license to lay on the sofa and eat chocolate ice cream i'm sensing this is not what you are doing thnches one is coming on stronger than the others. i don't know if that's i'm further from the retirement or live in the south now. but i think just being active with two young kids you don't have a choice being active they want to be outside, playing ball. doing whatever. moving around. i think it's all about balance and enjoying and saverring the sweet moments. staying active with the kids. they are happiest outside and when we're rostled with them. >> again, you recommend that everybody check out hershey's moderation nation campaign. can i link to that on twitter. jenny finch, great to me you. thanks for being on today. >> thanks for having me. >> something she is probably not eating. >> she is wonderful. >> coming up, a teenager
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unusual punishment for his crime. instead of going to jail, a judge sentences him to church. >> this is something jenny finch probably isn't eating, twinies, dingdongs, no more. can you blame unions for that now their bloated demands put iconic snack company out of business. we raided the shelves. i think we bought up every twinkie in manhattan. we are going to need security. >> here comes a who -- ho ho. >> dingdong. from currency trading for a few to a currency market for everyone. the potential of fxcm unlocked. nyse euronext. unlocking the world's potential.
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i wish i could keep it this way. [ male announcer ] now you can. with the crest pro-health clinical line. used together, they help keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. the toothpaste actually reduces plaque. and the rinse reaches all areas and is clinically proven to help prevent plaque regrowth. crest pro-health clinical line. together, they help keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. crest. life opens up when you do.
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the potential of yelp unlocked. nyse euronext. unlocking the world's potential. howdy partners, come on to hostess twinkie town golden sponge cake twinkies. >> watch out, they are stealing the hostess twinkies. >> watch this. >> here is your rewards. >> thanks. >> creamy filling. >> yep. you get a big delight in every bite of hostess twinkies. >> amazing thing those twinkies still good today. >> something really sad happening that is that 18,500 workers have been laid off -- i'm sorry fired because they
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lost their jobs because the bakers confectioners tobacco workers and grain millers international union couldn't reach an agreement with the manufacturers of twinkie and coffee cake and wonder bread and all of this. they were this close. the teamsters had already agreed to the conditions that would have allowed them to all keep their job but then this much smaller union said no, we don't like the agreement. we don't like them. >> we don't like the 6% cut. >> in their benefits. >> they wanted more dough. >> that is genius. >> it was made in social media heaven, this story. twinkies trending still to this point worldwide. so, but, look, this was about the union just saying no, we will not give in on this point and now hostess says we have no other choice. we cannot continue to be a profitable company. we have no choice but to shut our doors. and then, again, to alli's point, the teamsters agreed. the big one here agreed.
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it was the baker's union that said no deal. exactly what happens, 372 collective bargaining agreements. this is how complicated this had become for hostess and their unions. 40 different pension plans. 5500 delivery routes. it's so complex that we have been even been told that the union wouldn't allow you to carry bread and twinkies in the same truck, in the same delivery truck. >> separate trucks and separate routes. >> this is a company trying to make cuts and trying to stay alive. couldn't do it. >> make cuts because of the economy and obviously other issues. obviously the price of food stuffs has gone up. this was a factor also affecting them. and not only food stuffs going up and cost to put all of this stuff, sugar costs going up and everything else into their food, that going up. also people just not eating as many twinkies these days. >> people's eating habits have changed. the union for whatever reason didn't want to keep up that
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that. the union blames mismanagement at hostess. they said they had seven different ceos in the past 10 years. they blame all that other stuff. but the workers today who are out of work thought they were close to a deal. they had agreed on a deal about their salary. about their pensions with the teamsters. they thought they were close and at the last minute at the 11th hour the baker's union said no. >> here is that bakers union, bakers dzen comment. we are are not willing >> it is is a sad story. we do have a little fun with it. i am curious though. a lot of talk about twinkies. mini muffins is going to drastically impact my household. >> mini muffins. >> i love mini muffins. >> drake's seinfeld show with coffee cake.
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so drake's coffee cakes. >> that was a great seinfeld episode. >> i'm laughing. because there is not a historical moment that you too can't work back to a seinfeld episode. >> exactly. >> that's what it is all about. >> snow balls. there is a snow balls reference in a seinfeld reference. devil dogs. finish which one you will be most tearful over. >> donettes. >> mine is devil dogs. i used to have them in my lunch. >> i like the hostess like the fruit pies with the blue berry inside. >> good stuff. meanwhile, serious news happening in the world of fox news alert. you are looking at live pictures from the israeli, gaza border as the middle east crisis intensifies this morning. israel approving the call-up of up to 75,000 reservists could mean israel will woo soon launch a ground invasion into gaza to defend itself. leland vittert is live at the
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border a very tenuous situation to say the least. leland, are you with us this morning? >> very much so. to say that the israelis are ready for war would be an understatement. this is the tip of the spear right here. we have hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers yesterday to move into gaza. they do want to show hamas is that they are ready for a ground invasion which could be coming. it's just a couple of hundred yards into gaza from here. they would send a main fce in. gaza and then begin this ground defensive. hamas is putting out a lot of propaganda today on their television today a long movie saying they missed the suicide bombings that would once again return to that they said we are ready to continue to fight the israelis. of course, put out their own message, also saying they are ready for a ground invasion. keep pounding away from the air. which they did last night. a number of military barracks, compounds including the prime minister's residence that they are now trying to put through the message to hamas that they
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do not want to continue to issue going forward here is whether there is going to be a cease-fire sometime in the next 12, 24, 36 hours or whether she's tanks behind me are going to actually move forward and head into gaza for this threatened ground invasion. unclear whether that's going to happen. we do know that there is some cease-fire talks going on inside egypt right now with the egyptians specifically negotiate this kind of thing. so far the israelis have said we are on a war footing. they have an authorization to call up more than 70,000 reservists and clearly have brought an immense force out here ready to move. in back now new york. >> leland, what you can tell it us about -- i don't know if you are able to see any of these rockets being shot down. we spoke to david siegel a little while earlier in the israeli consul. he was telling us that the iron dome knock down a lot of these missiles has been working. so these rockets that have been fired into israel, a lot of them have been knocked down. the iron dome working.
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have you seen any of that unfolding where you are? >> air raid sirens go off. the rockets coming out of gaza, and then the iron dome goes up. impressive site. the iron dome is not perfect. it's intercepted about 200 rockets. about 500 or 600 have been fired. impressive thing about the iron dome is that it is smart. it only launches an interceptor when they t. thinks the rocket is head for populated area. most the time it works. the consequences when it doesn't work are tragic. three israelis have been killed so far in a rocket attack. a number of others injured. just today we had three rockets land inside an israeli city. and that's what the israelis are saying. they don't want to go into gaza. they don't want to conquer gaza. they say they need these rockets to stop. we have been down here in the south where a million people are under threat from these rockets flying into israel. when they come in. it certainly causes a very very big issue. a huge amount of scaring of
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the population. it's been going on for weeks. >> leland vittert on the border. thanks for joining us. one of the strangest situation is following it on twitter. the israeli defense forces live tweeting air strikes. they just tweeted four rockets fired from gaza struck ashdad. one at a house, car, one near kindergarten and one near an open area. can follow live air strikes on twitter from the military themselves. >> wow. >> the communication networks in these sorts of situations not only in israel which is a robust network go down. we saw that during the arab spring. twitter and social networks. >> propaganda. the position seems to be getting worse. keep it here for the next four hours and we will keep you informed. deadly crash involving a school bus in money society just minutes after the last
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child was dropped off police believe a car slammed into the bus head on. both burst into flames. the person inside the car did not make it out alive. the driver on the bus the only person on the bus at the time was unharmed. an investigation is underway. several more republic governors taking a stand against obama care. they are announcing that they will not set up state based marketplaces. governors john kasich, rick perry and scott walker among those telling health and human services they will not allow virtual marketplaces that's where people and small businesses can shop for coverage. in his letter. perry says, quote: it would not be fiscally responsible to put hard working texans on the financial hook for unknown amount of money to operate a system under rules that have not even been written. a total of 20 states have declined to take part. and an oklahoma teen ordered to go to church to avoid prison. last december, tyler allred was drinking and crashed his
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truck. his friend riding with him died instantly. all red pled guilty to plan slaughter in august and gave a tearful apology in court. instead of jail, the judge sentenced it him to probation and ordered him to go to church every sunday for the next 10 years. interesting punishment. >> check in with rick who is outside with a look at the first alert forecast. hey, rick. >> chilly morning. are you traveling on wednesday? anyone? >> no. we are working. >> we are all working thursday. i guess none of us are if you are out there traveling on wednesday. take a look at your first alert forecast for the big travel day. looking pretty good. much of the east coast absolutely perfect travel conditions. no problems for any kind of a flights or anything. no big systems out there. rain across parts of the big bend of texas. out across the west. that's where the action will be all this weekend and much of this coming week. it really will be into the pacific northwest. where typically this year you get some rain. southern california you are looking good. much of the four corners
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looking good as well. take a look at your first alert forecast for the day today. the nice conditions will continue. we will see a ton of sunshine all around the northeast. cool temperatures but still a little bit warmer than you were yesterday. down to the southeast, also looking pretty good except the coastal areas of florida. by tonight see some rain moving into coastal areas. >> coming up on the show we are weeks away from going over that fiscal cliff. so does the president's tax math add up? a look at the numbers. >> now that marijuana is legal both colorado and washington, d.c. state. will police be able to keep stoned drivers off the roads? we have that legal debate coming up. [ female announcer ] want to spend less and retire with more?
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as the nation approaches the house republicans and the president continue to disagree whether closing loopholes and limiting deductions will generate enough revenue. the president claims the math does not add up. >> it's very difficult to see how you make up that trillion dollars if we're serious about deficit reduction just by closing loopholes and deductions. the math tends not to work. >> when it comes to taxes, republicans and democrats agree that the current federal tax code is broken. and both sides recognize the importance of close egregious tax loopholes that pick winners and losers. tax reform that eliminates wasteful tax preferences to generate revenue will help bring fairness and efficiency to our tax system. >> alisyn: research from the nonpartisan tax policy center shows the president's math may be off. our next guest is here to crunch the numbers from us.
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thomas freidman from the editorial board. the president said the math tends not to work with just closing loopholes and limiting deductions. but, if we were to do that you say the math actually does add up. >> a lot of independent analysts have said the math does work. and tax policy center, i think you were being kind. they are kind of on the left. have you had people of all stripes crunching these numbers ever since mitt romney said let's cap deductions and the answer is the money is there if is he willing to abandon this kind of liberal orthodoxy that you have to raise tax rates. >> bring in 749 billion in extra revenue to do that. >> to limit deductions, to $50,000 a year, that would bring in 749 billion. how much would letting the tax cuts, the bush tax cuts expire for those making 250 and up? >> expirations he wants to
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allow 800 billion. that's what analysts have said on all sides have said that's what you can get if you limit deductions. in fact, the romney plan, capping deductions at $17,000 i think everyone agrees it would give you more than the president is asking for this 1.6 trillion. >> alisyn: that's right. that's what the tax policy center did he dued that romney's plan capping at 17,000 bring in more. how can both sides be so far apart? are they just playing chicken with each other okay i will let you go off the fiscal cliff. you let me go of o00 fiscal cliff what's going to happen? >> it's a weird scenario. republicans are saying mr. president here is a way to raise billions of dollars in taxes. this is not their normal posture. of course, the law says rise anyway. let's do it in the least harmful manner. i think they can win this argue: they are saying basically he is trying to do the same war class warfare argument. get your money from rich people do in a different way
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that's more efficient. >> testimony as he we are arguing semantics, i hope it's more than that. you say they might have to give in on the sequester as well. james freidman from the "wall street journal" editorial board. thanks for being here. >> >> new problems popping up in the states where they just made pot legal. how do you prevent driving highly? these guys are going to have a fiery debate about it. can i tell. >> they got rides here. [ laughter ] 4g lte is the fastest. so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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>> smoking pots in small amounts has the green light under washington and colorado state laws. it's also posing new
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challenges as far as dangers on the road from stoned drivers and the legal fallout. joining us now to debate this, defense attorney joey jackson and fox news legal analyst arthur aidala. we got them both rides here to avoid legal complications. [ laughter ] >> i like the video how fox shows people how to roll a joint and pack a pipe. that's the lead in at 7:00 a.m. 6:54. >> educate the viewership. >> that's how you pack it. >> free public service. this is a serious issue. because it's not as easy to marijuana at roadside stop as it is for booze. how big a battle is this for colorado and washington. >> it's huge. this morning driving here on the radio the nassau district attorney is charging a 17-year-old with murder because as is he driving the car, he hits a tree and he kills four kids in the car. and i believe he was sober but he was driving an excessive
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rate of speed. we need to figure out the same way they figured out with alcohol. here is what the amount of alcohol that has to be in your system to affect your ability to drive. they need to the same thing. here is the ability amount of marijuana that needs to be in your system to effect your ability to drive. >> here in lies the problem. the problem is that we're talking about a test. but there is things called common law signs. >> talking about a blood test. >> exactly. >> you can't just breathe into man. >> you can't. because whether you have alcohol you blow into the tube and it has some uniform result. but here there is mistakes that can be made and here somehow. say you have watery and bloodshot eyes. how many other things other than marijuana could be associated with watery, bloodshot eyes, tired, worked hard, reading too much. unsteady on your feet and there was an accident. >> not related to. >> therein lies the issue. can argue a person sun steady if there was a car accident and in shot. marijuana on their breath.
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>> my nephew has got diabetes, right? they take this little thing and stab it into in his finger. >> it's going -- if the people of washington and colorado want to be able to smoke weed, then you have to give up certain rights. the certain rights are here you go if if you get pulled over and a cop has an idea that you are smoking and driving. give a tiny bit of blood. boom it goes. >> not at all. >> stoned you go. you stoned, you go. >> fourth amendment violation. >> how is it. >> you can't prick somebody's blood. get a warrant. >> you driving is a criminal. >> you can't handle the truth. >> it's a privilege. not a right. if you want the privilege to dry. you have to it obey by the laws. if the cops think you are disobeying. >> let's start arresting people. taking their blood and doing anything we want with them. >> stoned, you go. no stoned driving. stay at home and eat the cookies.
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[fighting bell] >> there is no more twinkies man what are we going to do? >> i got to go. next hour, supply giant laying off 18,000 workers. thank you, gentlemen. my insurance rates e probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate.
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with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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>> good morning, it's saturday, november 17th. i'm alisyn camerota. fox news alert for you. israel is under fire as ramping up forces. getting even closer they say to an all-out war. we are live on the ground with the very latest for you. >> under oath, general david petraeus not only saying that he knew al qaeda was behind the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi but that his talking points are changed. who changed them? >> maybe they should make it the 11th commandment. thou shalt not misspell. brand new monument of the 10
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commandments put up with not just one but two spelling errors. made in rock. you can't chisel that out. >> not like our graphic. >> "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> we start this hour with breaking news for you. there is no end in sight for the crisis at this hour. israel increasing air assaults on militant targets after the holly city of jerusalem came under attack by hamas. >> leland i have vittert is livt the israeli gaza border this morning with more. leland, what you can tell us at this hour? >> good morning, we are literally at the tip of the spear of what the israeli ground forces will be heading into gaza, a couple hundred yards in front of them. i will step out of the way so we can zoom. in can you see the impressive
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amount of armor that has been brought down to the israeli gaza border it is number of different locations ready to head across the fields and sand dunes and into gaza city for ground attack. there is a lot going on inside of gaza. and simply put. the air attacks have not stopped the rockets. day four of the israeli air force continuing to pound away at targets inside the gaza strip. they have hit hamas police station. also some government buildings. giving the army time to prepare for a ground offensive. this is where they are off loading armored personnel carriers and armored bulldozers. they set up a large command post here just on the other side of this berm is the gaza strip. in this protected area they are using the time to zero in their cannons with this target. so when the tanks fire into gaza. they can hit it with pinpoint accuracy. the war has taken into the
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airways with palestinian tv hebrew. warning israelis they are not safe in coffee shops or bus stations. we miss the suicide bombs said the hamas announcer. israeli air al jazeera. we are mobilizing forces for ground invasion. rocks continue to fly out of gaza for the first time iron dome is protecting tel aviv. >> now, the other thing these tankers are going to have to worry about if they do go into gaza is the fact that the gazaens have laser guided antitank missiles. that has changed the battle plan a little bit here for the israelis taking more time as they try to make this decision on a go-no go. countless areas of this border about 40 or 50 miles long that they are ready to go in. forces are poised. we very heard though that there are talks going none
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cairo right now with the egyptians acting as an incident intermediary to try have some expire that deal could happen within 24 to 48 hours which might delay the israeli ground assault a little bit. however, the israelis say they are already ready. they have authorization for 75,000 reservists to be called up. and in this part of the country, this that is a lot. can i tell you from driving around in israel that in just four or five days since this all began, israel has changed from seemingly normal to all of the sudden a country on a war footing understandably because of the millions of their people are under assault every day as we stand all around southern israel. we hear the air raid sirens go off. we know that the militants are firing out of gaza towards these open areas. just hoping that some level that they might hit an idf position. so. israeli army forces that are massing here. back to you in new york. >> leland, you talk about militant positions, interesting that the israeli government, specifically benjamin netanyahu's office tweeting this morning and if
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you can watch this feed, it's fascinating because he is has been saying that the terrorists in gaza have been committing a double war crime as he calls it. they are firing at israeli civilians and they are hiding behind palestinian civilians, which means they are putting rocket sites next to children. is that right? >> well, that's always been the accusation. and that is that the israelis say they try to do everything they can-to-a void civilian casualties. they have flown 6 or 700 large becomings of targets in gaza. only killed about 40 people. a number were militants who theymented to kill. there have been a few civilian casualties. make a point of civilian. they hope they land somewhere and kill as many people as they can. the israelis for their part say they try to avoid civilians. we have heard reports, although it's hard to verify independently that a number of the hamas targets have been
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elected inside mosques, schools, hadn'ts or at least very nearby. that's where they put the rocket facilities because they know the israelis try to bomb them if israel bomb something like a mosque or school and if people die there has a negative connotation around the world. that has to a lot to do with the war of words. diplomatic and war time maneuvering we are seeing as well. >> thanks for the update. we know you will be on stand by throughout the whole show. the situation there does appear to be he is can a a little. thanks so much. be safe. people are hopeful there is some. >> hosni mubarak no greater humanitarian but the devil you knew. now we don't know.
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it appears he is siding at least somewhat with hamas. so they will play an interesting role there. >> much more on that. plus this big story we are following for you. this was major headline yesterday and continues to unfold this morning as we dissect now what general david petraeus said in front of congress yesterday. behind that closed door meeting. and what he knew about the benghazi attack. and what, of course, the big story that came out oof this. big headline is that the cia and the intelligence community handed the administration information saying that they knew that that al qaeda was behind the attack. when the public face of this news story broke and came out and susan rice, the ambassador went on those five sunday talk shows. those talking points had been erased, changed from saying al qaeda to saying something else. and the question is who changed it and why. >> general david petraeus didn't know who changed it only the reference to ansar al sharia had been expunged.
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when we talked to congressman peter king yesterday, he said he assumed that that must have happened at the white house. though no one knows. that's the $64,000 question today. why would that be taken out? wouldn't that be something that the american public and lawmakers would want to know this was al qaeda motivated? and who took it out? so congressman are trying get to the bottom of this. let's listen. >> the initial talking points, which were put together in an ununclassified format at the request of the house intelligence committee initially did state that al qaeda affiliated groups were involved. however, by the the time we understand that went through its editing process after it left langley. that reference was taken out. >> what is so frustrating about the benghazi situation is this administration story has just changed almost daily. and when you think about it and take a step back. our ambassador died. others died here. this is so beyond politics. this is about our national
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security. this is about this is about the safety and security of our military. there is so much here that we are going to work hard to make sure that the american people realize there right to know. >> we here will talk to peter king. congressman from new york. 9:45 eastern time. we will ask him because he told me that september 14th, david petraeus went to congress and told them all flat out this had to do with the sphon takennous protest about that video. that's what petraeus initially told them. i it doesn't seem they held his feet to the fire. >> it closed door meeting. >> it would. >> there is a story we are following out of the gulf of mexico. that's where the coast guard is continuing search. believed to have jumped into the water after oil well
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flames. blast another massive oil leak like two years ago. the coast guard says no oil is coming from the well and the blaze was quickly put out. this was sparked when workers were said to be using the wrong kind of blow torch to cut an oil line four other workers were badly burned. protecting others right to the end. that's how four veterans are being remembered today. killed thursday when a freight train slammed into a veterans day parade float. victims are 34-year-old army sergeant joshua michael. 47-year-old lawrence. 43-year-old lawrence boivin and gary. they pushed their wives off the float just before the train hit. >> i have been military schools. from all of the training and everything he went through and he laid down his life and pushed his wife out of harms way. >> investigators say the train was going 62 miles per hour
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below the 70 mile-per-hour speed limit when it hit the truck. security videos from the train are being analyzed to determine exactly what happened. 10 commandments monument is now on display at the oklahoma state capital. there is a problem. there is actually two problems. two misspellings. the worth sabbath is spelled wrong with an e. where a second a is supposed to go. and made servant has a u in place of the v. the monument was privately funded by mike ritz who said the company that made it can and will be correcting the mistake. >> how do you correct that to clayton's point? >> get a little apoxy in there. >> there is no white out that works. >> i'm glad we got all graphics right on that story. >> orgets on that one. >> pretty pleasant this week. >> not that bad. we are going to be pretty unscathe this week. the east is looking great right now. nothing going on northeast. down to the it southeast rain
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across parts of florida. this is going to it plague parts of the coastal area of florida and georgia. all the way through about tuesday. it is not going to be a nor'easter for the northeast. come wednesday and thursday. so that's the good news. we will see some coastal erosion. rough day out at the beach. people still going to the beach down there. all the saction out across the west where series of storms will bring rain and mountain snow today california. noon more northern california. oregon and washington. it stays there for the next four to five days. not much of that moisture is going to get past the rockies. we will continue to see things pretty dry and temps very very nice. a big warm-up today the temps in the plains 15 to 20 degrees above where you would be this time of year. enjoy it. we are looking pretty good. >> rick said and this is the quote of the day. nothing exciting happening on the east coast. >> finally. we like that. >> john kerry, the next secretary of defense? his name is being tossed around. is he the best man for the job? >> then police no longer
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allowed to do physical fitness training at andrews air force base thanks to the largest employee union. why it is blocking that. >> we don't need the police to be fit. [ female announcer ] you spend weeks planning it. you spend all day cooking it. so why spend even a moment considering any broth but swanson? the broth cooks trust most to make the meal folks spend all year waiting for. in stuffing and more, the secret is swanson.
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so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare. welcome barks being back, john kerry rumored to be the head of the defense department. swift boat veterans for truth has a warning about the shakeup. >> remember, 2006 when he said that if you didn't study hard you would end up stuck in iraq right when our troops were fighting. he was a hawk on iraq at the beginning and then he was a surrender guy at the end. as he has been over and over again. he would be a much better guy at hauling up a white flag
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than a secretary of defense anywhere. s to john kerry have qualifications to be the next secretary of defense. howie carr, nice to see you this morning. >> good to see you. >> there is boston guy and a massachusetts guy. is he qualified? certainly a lot of years in the military certainly a lot of years in the senate. is he he qualified. >> i suppose he is. all the old stories. the testimony from 1971 when he he said that some of his fellow soldiers were vietnam from war criminals. i really don't think that he really wants to be secretary of defense. i think i would be the secretary of state. being the secretary of defense, you know, even if he had to go through a bruising confirmation process it's going to be a thankless job in the next few years. there are going to be defense department budget cuts. you have this mess in
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afghanistan. and these generals are involved in scandals. i think he would rather be secretary of state. >> clearly, i think he is lobbying for that job. one that looks like is going to susan rice. either way it looks like it could open up a spot for scott brown to run there in massachusetts which we won't get into. if kerr is is the secretary of defense. what does it tell you about the direction of this nation's military. >> he has been against all these weapons systems from day one as you just played that clip. he was make the old joke about the 87 billion. he was for these wars before he was against these wars: it's very interesting that one theory going around now is john mccain has really been hacking susan rice who is the frontrunner for secretary of state. remember when kerry was running for president in 2004, he wanted mccain to be his
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running mate even though mccain is a republic. they are very close. no one doubts that mccain is very angry about what susan rice about going on all the shows and making the misleading statements. but there is a subcontext here. a lot of people think that mccain is trying to help out his buddy by dusting up susan rice and therefore opening the door for kerry to actually get the job he wants which is secretary of state. >> have the votes to get state but that's another issue. >> i have heard it read and i have seen what some liberals are saying online about this and the john kerry talk out there in the blowing sphere blogosphere. he wouldn't be a defended as much as a secretary of peace. do you take that line? what do you make of it. >> i don't know what that means. you have to -- you are overseeing the military. i think he would adjust.
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again, i'm not sure that there is a lot of talk here in boston if is he offered the job of secretary of defense he might turn it down because it's a four year job and he will only be 71, 72 when it would end. whereas if he stays in the senate he can remain there forever. he has been there for 24 hours. very comfortable in the senate. >> he has a lot of power. >> he doesn't really have to worry about getting reelected. i'm beginning to think that he is not going to even take the job if it's offered to him. >> overseeing sequestration is not going to be a job anybody wants. good to see you this morning in boston. thanks, howie. >> my pleasure. thanks. >> coming up on the show during katrina a long island church sent aid to louisiana and now the favor is being returned. >> and millions spent to it set up food stamp application sites. wait until you hear how much.
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they live thousands of miles apart. two communities share a common bond. strength through the storm. thousands of hurricane katrina victims are now paying it forward to help other americans impacted by super storm sandy. some even preparing a trip from the big easy to the big apple to lend a hand. hurricane katrina victim turned director of homecoming center joins us now along with suffolk county police officer and member of bread of life fellowship in staten island charles ross. thanks so much for both of you for being here. >> good to be here. >> connie, let me start with you. you were a hurricane katrina victim. as we understand it your home
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got more than 7 feet of water in it. it took a month for it to dry out it must have brought very bad memories as you were watching what was happening with hurricane sandy up here. >> it triggered everything again. you think you get over something like a devastating event like katrina seven years later. but when you see it again happen to your neighbors on the east coast you relive it. it brings it all back. >> why did you want to reach out and help the victims of hurricane sandy? you know, we were helped by thousands of people came in from the east coast. all over the united states. to help us at our homecoming center and help us rebuild in new orleans. we have been so fortunate with over 50,000 volunteers that's come through the homecoming center. so, know, we need to pay this
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back and pay it forward. we have been so blessed and fortunate to have been, you know, helped so much. we know that they now need our help. is the devastation is just inyesterdayable. we need to -- this is something new orleansens really want to do. because we kneel the pain. we know what they are going through. >> you walked in their shoes. >> we really have. >> i want to bring in charles. charles, what did you think when you heard there were victims of hurricane katrina sending volunteers, sending food and money to people in your community. >> i thought it was an awesome idea. we have been devastated here in the new york and long island area and along the eastern seaboard and have those folks come down to offer support to us was tremendous. as you know when hurricane katrina did hit. we felt the same.
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we felt that there was an organization and society come together to come together to lift each other up. although we were knocked down we were not knocked out. that's what we want that emphasize today. we seemed to be knocked down but we are not knocked out. we are standing tall. we are grateful for all support we have received from everyone. >> were you surprised that the hurricane katrina victims in new orleans remembered your help and your community's help during that time all these years later now. >> when you have a capacity of that magnitude you do remember those who have lent a helping hand. we certainly supported them in their efforts. we are certainly grateful for the efforts that they are giving back to us. >> we understand you are prepared to send 18-wheeler full of goods up here. do you want to tell charles what's going to be in it it? >> oh, yeah, charles we're loaded up. at the request of your church and pastor ortega. we have got diapers, formula.
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warm blankets. clothing. cleaning supplies. building supplies. and that 18-wheeler ask rolling out as we speak. and i heard that another empty one just rolled in. and we will be filling that 18-wheeler in the next couple of weeks so you are going to have a nice big christmas present arriving from the big easy to the big apple. >> that's so nice. >> you know, i just want you to know, charles, and everyone that is suffering out there that new orleans, the who dat nation we are behind you guys, we know what you are going through. one thing i have learned working in the recovery. recovery is very hard. it's long and it's hard. and you need people that are really going to come in there and stand by you and stick with you as people have done with us for seven years. >> of course. >> we are still getting volunteers helping us. and we are still rebuilding in new orleans. >> it is so hard. >> it's going to be a long
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process. >> i want to bring in charles to have you respond to connie. >> well, i would say we love you, we thank you and we certainly appreciate all that you have done. and we have welcomed over the past few days bread of life fellowship we have been reaching out to the community, linden hurst, the town. even those that weren't affected by the blood waters. they have consumed all their resources trying to survive throughout the days. we have families and children in schools telling teachers and administrators that they have no food and water. >> still? >> we have gone out like yesterday we have given over 200 meals to families at a local elementary school. so that effort and support is still needed and we appreciate what you are doing. and we're very grateful. >> that's so nice. we really appreciate both of you coming. in it's so inspirational to see americans who are helping each other in this time of need. thanks so much for being here. >> all right.
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and alli. we're coming up there. i'm bringing -- i'm actually in sacramento partnering with bridgeway christian church to raise funds to bring gift cards. >> will come up and let us know when you are here and we will have you on "fox & friends." >> yes. we are bringing gift cards and we're actually coordinating volunteers to go stay at bread of life church. >> connie, that is great. >> we're ramping um for you guys. >> charles is excited to see you in the flesh. i'm going to let you guys talk off line. i know you have more things to say to each other. charles thanks so much. next on the run down, may be last line of defense in emergency. a group of police officers now excused from having to pass a physical fitness test. we will explain why. get ready to spice up your turkey day deserts a twist on your traditional favorites just in time for the holiday. y.
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>> welcome back, everybody. we get a lot of food on the show this morning. >> we have pumpkin pie, spiced brownies. hostess products all over the place. glue ten free guy, this is pretty much torture. >> your nightmare. >> we also have turkey coming up. >> we will be your designated
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tasters. >> thank you. i knew i loved you guys. >> a lot of news on the show. right to your headlines. there is this chilling case in missouri after a man admits to police that he was planning a movie master like the one in aurora, colorado. police say the mother of blake la mars after he bought two assault rifles and hundreds of bullets. she contacted police who picked him up at a restaurant and arrested him after he said he planned on shooting people after the opening of break dawn. he also admitted he changed his mind and wanted to actually shoot up a wal-mart because he would have been able to get more ammunition there. a christian publishing company lands a temporary victory over obama care in court. a judge ruled that kindle publishing house does not have to provide employees with birth control coverage that it morally objects to. the judge said following the birth control mandate to avoid a government fine would mean going against their religious beliefs. air force one the nation's
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largest federal employees union blocking basic fitness standards for civil i can't believe police officers at andrews air force base. the american federation of government employees objected because it said it was not consulted by the defense department. the new plan requires 19 pushups in two minutes, two fewer than previous 21 pushup requirement and running a mile and a half in 17 and a half minutes. the air force says it is department wide and not subject to union bargaining. >> all right, so it cost to set up a temporary sign -- to set up a temporary signup center? there is a lot of prepositions in that. the state of louisiana spent $4 million in baton rouge alone to set up food stamp application sites after hurricane isaac back in august it went to renting chairs, portable toilets and buying food for workers that does not include state workers salaries. then the state handed out $12 million in food stamps. less than triple the cost of
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the actual set up. something was wrong with that those are your headlines. check with rick reichmuth. is that a aircraft carrier? >> it is. it is. we are smoking a turkey out here. if you want to know what it smells like. you with just smell me because there is no way to get away from it and i fully smell like smoked turkey thought. take a look at your weather as you are heading out this evening. great day for almost every on the 4/5th of the country. how is that for dividing it up. subject vine across the northeast. temps cooler than average but not that bad. down to the southeast. rain across coastal areas of florida and georgia by tonight and tomorrow that moves across the coastal areas of the carolinas. just coast. head inland and looking fine. east coast not the west coast. everybody else plenty of
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sunshine. temps cool into the 60's. into the northern plains, these temps here are around 20 degrees above where you should be when did you go go out across the west that's where all the activity is,s that's where it is going to remain for the next four to five days. california down to southern california. snow into the higher elevations around lake tahoe. by tomorrow the storm track pulls farther towards the north. knowledge california and specific northwest. that's where all the trouble is and it's going to stay there which is good news for the rest of the country in the travel this week. dave, send it to you inside. >> hey, buddy get in here. we are serving up treats. because, of course, everyone expects turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce when they come to the table on thanksgiving. why not serve a up a bit of surprise when it comes to deserts. stella parks pastry chef with 310 in lexington. teamed up with gashed and gun magazine to create these twists on traditional deserts.
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one of the reasons food and wine magazine named you one of the top pastry chefs country. i'm the glue ten free guy. you have glued ten free recipes on blog blog which is brave tart. we are everybody ising up pumpkin pie spice brownies. >> brownie recipe with pumpkin pie spices gives it a nice fall flare. cut it into wedges instead of a square. square on a brownie looks like a picnic table. >> cut it up like a pie. >> yeah. >> are these pumpkin seeds. >> pumpkin seeds. great thing to add for kids who have nut allergies. you don't have to worry about anything with pumpkin seeds. recipe is on garden and gun. anyone who wants to make pumpkin pie spice brownies. >> how long does this take to bake up. >> super fast to make. 20 minutes. >> i'm going to get this do camerota in just a minute. up next is the brown sugar
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pear and pistachio cake. we don't have enough time to bake a cake in this segment believe it or not. you are going to tell us how to make it beautiful like that. how do we do it. >> start by give you a splice of it too. so you can snack on. best thing to could when you are bake ago cake at home. >> i'm the designated taster. >> because you are glue ten free. >> i have to handle this. i'm willing to take on this responsibility. >> perfect. >> that is a tall piece of cake right there. >> thanksgiving. you know? we're not going to cut any corners. >> she will try it tell us how to frost it. >> come down here and i will show what you to do start by putting a little butter cream on the cake and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes. that locks down all the crumbs, so you don't have to worry about any crumbs coming up and getting into the frosting. i'm using a turntable to make things look easier here. turn it a little bit at a time. works just as well. start with a generous layer of
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burt cream on top. don't skimp. butter cream is not there just to eat. it keeps the moisture into the cake. have a lot on there. and this technique that you see on this cake over here is super easy to do you don't need any special equipment. you don't knee this turntable go slowly on the cake. get a really fat layer here. >> it's going to be tough for alli to go back to the dingdongs and twinkies. >> i'm not going to. ca i can't. i have been ruined. >> now that we have the crumb coat on we will hold spatula here and turn the table around. >> that is brilliant. i could even pull that off. stella parks from table 310 in kentucky. the recipes can you can find on "fox & friends." >> this is possibly the best piece of cake i have ever had. >> try the brownies, garden and gun magazine as well. clayton stayed out of this one. is he watching the waste line.
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you are a twinkie man. >> just had three twinkies. i'm cutting back this morning. coming up on the show, the federal government paying out millions of dollars to dead people. they need it. tell you how not world that happened and tell you where. then, several businesses already feeling the effects of obama care. what does it mean for you and your family? we're going to break down the president's health can care law so you know how it works perhaps for your family or where it doesn't. and you pick the price that works for you.
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you spend all day cooking it. so why spend even a moment considering any broth but swanson? the broth cooks trust most to make the meal folks spend all year waiting for. in stuffing and more, the secret is swanson. >> wex back. any possibility of repealing the healthcare law lost with the election. >> the roll will -- rule will
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roll out as written. there could be big problems ahead for you and your family with us now betsy. former lt. governor of new york. and author of decoding the obama health law. john boehner said it is now the law of the land. good to see you. biggest colonel to me, my family and to people out there watching. will my quality of care care change? >> first of all, you may lose the plan you get on your job. and you may lose full-time job status as a result. this law says that employers. >> is this all of it. >> this is all of it. >> we like our guests to bring us cake not 2,000 pages of healthcare legislation. >> unfortunately this is what you have got. this law says that employers with 50 or more full-time workers have to provide health insurance. not just any health insurance but the one size fits all government designed plan. that cost almost twice as much as what many employers currently provide. so, as a result.
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employers in many cases are going to drop the coverage and may even move their full-time employees into part time status to avoid the penalty. >> we have already seen companies doing that. >> that's right. and the government actually predicts that under this employer mandate, fewer people will get on the job insurance than before the law went into effect. >> very likely. >> precisely the thing hoping to stop. you must prove and you say your enrollment in the plan when you are filing your taxes. come april 15th. when we are all filing our taxes, this is now something we have to worry about. we have to make sure that we prove this. >> this goes into effect in 2014. when you file your taxes you have to prove that you were insured for almost all the year. there are grace periods like a month or two at a time. general, you must prove you're insured. so if you lose your on-the-job coverage go to the state enroll if you are eligible and
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sign up for one of the plans kind of like going to the dmv or supermarket that only sells cereal. only sells the government approved healthcare plan. >> what it means to them. >> they got clobbered because over half of this law is paid for by cuts to medicare. seniors pay for over half this law. for example, under this law. >> that's less money going to hospitals, right? >> yes. >> payments are decreased. >> that's right. under this law hospitals will have $247 billion less money to care for the same number of seniors. and we know that in the past, when hospitals have gotten paid less, they have cut back on nursing care, spread the nurses thinner and we have seen that that makes it harder for elderly patients to survive their hospital stay. we have seen heart attack death rates go up. >> medicaid patients, medicare patients to begin with. >> that's right. >> obviously if you are going to sell your house or some other asset that you own, you
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are going to have pay increased tax on those assets. >> that's right. $503 billion in new taxes in here. one of them is the 3.8% tax on unearned income. that means the profit from selling something you own. now, that could include your home. some people won't have to pay it because even that profit won't push them up into the $200,000 or more income category. and first time homeowners get some explosion. but other than that, you may be socked with a big gain, a tax on your gain in addition to the capital gains tax you would already have to pay. >> going up at the beginning of next year as well. >> that's right. that starts? january 102013. capital gains going up and this tax. >> i definitely prefer the cake to this half baked bill. >> that's right. >> always great to sigh. >> a lot of surprises in here. >> boy, thanks goodness betsy has read it so that you don't have to. >> coming up, general david
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petraeus testifying that he knew al qaeda was behind the benghazi attack. he he also said his talking points were changed. who made the swap and why? we'll ask governor huckabee ahead. >> plus, let me show you some great deserts. next, let me show you how to be the hostess with the mostest without breaking your budget. our buy this, not that segment. alli knows, she is a great hostess. >> i am. >> alli farms that out. >> she is going to be on the price of right. >> i'm cooking thanksgiving meal. [ laughter ] 4g lte is the fastest. so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose,
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based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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>> millions of us are shopping this weekend for thanksgiving dinner. the average cost to feed 10 people this year is up. so how you can save on your grocery bill. joining us with some tips is president of coupon jacque warrick.
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thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> you are going to save some money before you hit the store. you say can you buy a lot of things generic. like what? >> you should consider buying generic because it all adds up and it can save you a lot of money. so, for example, you can get the brand name of nap napkins for 2.54 and only get 40 of them. or you can buy the generic and get them for 2.49 and get 300. >> that's a better deal. i am no mathematician. this is a very good deal. you know, napkins, really. >> no one is going to he know the difference. >> that's great. let's talk about spices. this is the time of year when you raid your spice cabinet for pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon and nutmeg and get them much more cheaply. >> exactly. another great example where you can go generic route. get cinnamon for 2.89 if you buy the brand name and actually save 35 cents by buying generic. again it, may seem like pennies but it all adds up and
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save you in the end. >> and the same is true, you say of flour, everybody obviously goes out and buy their cranberry sauce unless they are making it, which i recommend. much more generic -- cheaper to buy generic. >> brand names are 27% more than generic brands. >> good to know. in addition to buying generic brands, you say there are great coupons for thanksgiving. let's talk about those. >> you should use coupons it. it does take prep work to go out there and find them. the savings go a long way. you should check out coupon kevin's news flash for endless stream of the best coupons updated constantly. if you don't have time to check it out before going to the grocery store or coupon kevin's app. which is allowing to you get savings on the go. >> save a lot of money on buying your turkey. >> i found a coupon for $3 off. when you buy 4 pills bury items. this turkey is going to be
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only $9.90 with that coupon. >> $1 off stove top stuffing. >> two boxes if i buy four i'm going to save $2. >> same is true with cool whip. >> yes if you buy two get a dollar off. >> cress isn't a rolls which everyone loves with their dinner. >> save people money today. these are all the staples that everybody is shopping for as we speak. thanks so much for coming. >> in thank you. >> meanwhile, it looks like president obama plans to nominate susan rice for secretary of state. would she run the state department as the president has run the white house. governor huckabee at the top of the hour with thoughts on all of that two young brothers thought they were part of the halftime show but a very special surprise was waiting for them on the sidelines.
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at testifies that he called the attack in benghazi terror from the start. so is he now changing his story or ask someone change it for him. governor mike huckabee here to weigh in on that. >> it's time for us to put dr. phil mcgraw on the couch. real advice every parent has to hear. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪
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going to "fox & friends" this morning. fox news alert for you. new video into the fox newsroom. we have been hearing of all sorts of attacks and loud explosions all morning. israel increasing its air assaults to defend itself. this video from the israeli defense force showing a hamas compound being taken out. leland vittert is live at the israeli gaza border this morning as israel appears to be were ground invasion. they are ready to go at any moment's notice, right? >> for sure. we have moved to higher ground before we show you those tanks. behind you you see the gaza strip which runs north to south. and that's where the israeli
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armor prong also move out and push into the gaza strip air assault to ground war. >> day four of the israeli air force continuing to pound away at targets inside the gaza strip. they have hit hamas. police station and government buildings trying to soften up the targets there. israel's ground forces are just waiting for the go order. those are the d 9 bulldozers that will lead the assault over the hill into gaza. then you have the tanks and hawrmd personnel carriers that will follow in. we were at this position just 24 hours ago. there is significantly more activity. they have fuel trucks brought. in ammunition trucks brought in to supply these troops that are just waiting for the go order. >> the war has taken to the airwaves with the the hamas tv warning israelis they are not safe in their coffee shops or bus stations. we missed the suicide bombings
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says the hamas announcer. it comes as the rockets continue to fly out of gaza. for the first time a. an iron dome intercepter battery is protecting tel aviv. as you look out at the gaza strip. occasionally you see the white smoke going up. that's the rockets flying out and black plumes of smoke and you hear the reverberations when the idf bombs one thing or the other. so far the idf has bombed nearly 600 separate sitest inside of gaza. that number keeps going up every day. a lot of times after a rocket goes off, they are able to bomb the launching site within a few seconds. that's how good intelligence are. surveillance blimps and f-16s continually flying. there is a bit of good news here that's coming out inside egypt in cairo the egyptians are acting as intermediary. intelligence chief is trying to negotiate a cease-fire between hamas and israel whereas israel would give hamas a little bit of a
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cookie. the americans will put pressure on israel to stop this before it begins a ground offensive. offensive times when ground offenses isn't how you start one but end one. as israel has said before they don't want to occupy the gaza strip once again. >> leland vittert live on the border. doing a great job. two minutes away governor huckabee who has been to israel more than a dozen times with his perspective, why this all started, what the u.s. position should be on that redhead. >> let's get to the rest of your headlines right now. search is underway for two workers still missing after an oil rig burst into flames in the gulf of mexico. the blast bringing fears of another massive oil spill like bp one two years ago. the coast guard says no oil is coming from the well and the blaze was quickly put out. it sparked when workers were said to be using the wrong kind of blow torch to cut an oil line. four other workers were badly concerned burned. a total of 20 states now saying no thank you to state-based marketplaces under obama care.
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john kasich, rick perry, and scott walker, some of the latest republic governors telling health and human services that they will not allow virtual marketplaces that's where people and small businesses can shop for coverage. in his letter. rick perry says quote it would not be fiscally responsible to put hard-working texans on the financial hook for an unknown amount of money to operate under a system -- a system under rules that have not even been written. mean while two north carolina boys thought they lucked out by taking part in halftime contest at eastern carolina football game. little did they know their prize would be seeing their marine father for the first time in five months. >> we have a very special treat for you as well. today, coming live to us from afghanistan. [cheers] >> oh my gosh. those sweet gunnery sergeant josh ricker is a 12 year
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service veteran and has been serving in afghanistan. his kids did not think that he would be home until christmas. >> that's beautiful. those are your headlines. >> now he gets thanksgiving, too. to say thank you for. >> nailed it. >> yeah. >> i am getting a little teary. >> bring in governor huckabee to talk about what's happening on capitol hill. petraeus testifies before closed senate committee on friday. essentially saying he knew from the start this was terrorism. that al qaeda was linked to it it what happened. one, why did susan rice go out there on those talk shows and say it had to do with spontaneous protest, youtube video and what changed in these talking points? >> what changed in the talking points nor david petraeus was he was under oath yesterday. he was not under oath before. he was going as a representative of the administration with a prepared script because that was his duty to go and to do what he was asked to do. yesterday, he is under oath. he tells the truth because he has to. if you ask why susan rice,
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plausible didn't. that's why. think about this. if joe biden, hillary clinton, tom donilin, james clapper, the president himself, even david petraeus, if any of them had gone -- >> -- they knew better. >> they knew what happened. >> they knew better. they could not. >> explain this plausible deniability. >> because if susan rice goes, who is not part of the live stream video. who is not part of the discussions, she is over in a different silo, her job is the u.n. has nothing to do with these internal matters. if they give her a script and she trotz out there and somebody says is that the truth she can say yes. this is what i have been told. she has no reason not to believe it. she is doing what she is told to do. she is trotted out and later if it's proven to be untrue she says i'm just telling you what i was told. >> that's a problem though. because in that scenario the buck stops with her, right in the plausible deniability rule. the president comes out and says the buck stops with me.
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on me. representative peter king was in those hearings and is going to join us next hour's to know who then took out al qaeda out of the talking points? who in the administration took it out. >> how do we find that out? >> where does the buck stop then. >> at some point somebody is going to talk because they are going to be under oath and nobody wants to perjure themselves. somebody had to do the draft. the order may have been given way up beyond the stenographer. somebody had to give the order. someone did the scratching out of the words and some time sooner or later it is going to come out. >> president obama has been standing firmly behind susan rice. and he, during the press conference he got sort of fired up when challenged. >> oh, yeah. >> for fired up than just about anything. >> let's listen. >> pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road. she made an appearance at the request of the white house in which she gave her best
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understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her. senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. >> okay. so our producers put that together as a frame of reference. first he was talking about libya, where he is calm, cool and collected president obama. everybody knows it's a bump in the road. >> death of four americans. >> bump in the road. talks about susan rice, the buck stops here, you come after me. >> they did come after him. they wrote him letters that he ignored. he ignored the letters, the specific requests of a sitting united states senator, that in itself is outrageous. for him to act all prickly and i can't believe they are attacking susan rice. look, they are not attacking her. they are asking very legitimate questions why did she trot out there and say at least what many people in the administration including the people who handed her a peeves of paper knew was fundamentally absolutely
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untrue. >> one has to assume the president knew this was an act of terror because david petraeus knew. why throw your choice for secretary of state, which by all indications she is, why throw her under the bus. send her out there. he admitted at that press conference, she had nothing to do with benghazi. >> she was sergeant schultz on the talk shows. she knew nothing. but she dutifully read the script. the only reason do you that is because you think this is going to blow over and nobody is going to follow up on it. that's why do you it it's the question ---why did the mixon administration cover up watergate because they never thought somebody would uncover the truth. why did they do this? because they never have believed someone would actually keep digging until they found out the truth. >> they thought it was going to be a small story. now talk of secretary of state ambassador rice what would a state department look like under ambassador rice. because now her commentary after those five sunday talk shows hey this is what i was
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given. a deferred responsibility putting it on other individuals. how would a state department be run under a secretary rice? >> well, obviously, in a substitutionary way. somebody else would be pulling the strings and she would be the marinette. if that's what we wanted in the state department not a person helping to craft foreign policy somebody who is aspowzing what somebody and we don't know at the who yet in the white house. this is a very top down separation what appears that decisions are made and passed out and told and everybody is supposed to do as they are told. but, you know, the bad thing is, why hire good co-tent people if you are not going to use their tools and talents. >> the way secretary of state hillary clinton was at the state department she was off message as you may recall. she was the one of the first pepper in the administration to say this is terrorism actually. >> that may be why she is ready to depart and go do something else. i think hillary clinton has a
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lot of integrity when it comes down to her basic sense. you may not agree with her. she is is a person who wants to have a legacy of truth and honesty and integrity and honor. she doesn't want to be the one who has been the pawn of an administration that she probably isn't all that respectful of. >> you wonder if there will be appointments by the president made follow the company line rather than be independent and outspoken we can get into that later. >> we will get into more as breaking news continues to unfold. governor huckabee is going to stick around for this. 500 rockets launched into the heart of the jewish state under fire right now from hamas. and now egypt joining the mix. [siren] >> what their prime minister said that's raising eyebrows in the arab world. >> then how not to raise a selfish, lazy kid. dr. phil is going to join us with the advice that all of us need to hear and all parents out there. [ mother ] you can't leave the table
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>> welcome back. looking live now as rocket fire rains down on the israeli gaza border as. egypt showing bold display of support for the palestinians by sending in their prime minister for what appears to be defending hamas. >> is this a dangerous move in the united states provides egypt with roughly $1.3 billion in aid every single year. should the u.s. threaten to halt aid to egypt if it continue position support groups like hamas. we want to bring governor huckabee back. in what do you make of what is going on and how the prime minister of egypt was supposed to be going in for peace talks and has only fanned the flames. >> the real question is what will egypt do in the midst and
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let me say not if but when the israelis go in to gaza. they are going to have to. it's a rats nest that has to be cleaned out. they have -- gaza has fired under hamas leadership thousands of katyusha rockets into israeli military. i have been there and stood 300 yards from the gaza border. you literally can see it i have walked through homes that have been devastated by the rockets. in the synagogues, parks, shops. indescripple that the rockets fired. not dozens, not hundreds, thousands, thousands. how many would the u.s. put up with before we said that's it, we're going in and taking this nonsense out? >> it would take one. >> it would take one. >> in the united states it would take one. and the israelis have been incredibly patient with this entire process. >> yes. >> benjamin netanyahu this morning in his office saying that hamas has committed double war crimes here not only for the rockets fired against israel but where these rockets are placed and leland vittert confirming for us this morning that many of these
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rocket outposts hard to get in there to find out. they are in schools. they are putting their rocket launching in schools and mosques. so that if israel wants to aatlantic them, then they are hitting kids. >> well, and that's why israel has to go into gaza. you can't completely annihilate this from the air. you have to go in. and you have to go through a neighborhood by neighborhood search. here is the long-term effect. you remember when israel pulled completely out of gaza. they completely left. they pushed jewish people out of homes that they had worked hard to build that were in gaza. they forcibly removed their own people to say here, you want gaza? you got gaza. leave us alone, we leave you alone. what did they do. they fired rocket after rocket after rocket. now israel has got to go in and clean the mess out. they will not leave it again and let it become another rats mess. >> what does hamas want? >> they want to destroy vaferl. they want to have every last israeli killed. we are not talking with people who are logical and rational.
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we are talking about people that they get an extra bump in heaven if they kill jews and husms and hindus and anybody who does not adhere to their radical form of islam. that's what we don't understand in the west. we think you can sit down and have a cup of coffee and make nice with elm this. look, you can't charm a snake and change a snake. it's still going to bite you when it gets the chance. that's what's going to happen with hamas. >> tell us what coming up on your show. >> former chief of staff to benjamin netanyahu will join us live from israel. also have talk about the fiscal cliff. it's going to be a great show. i will also be previewing a song that i will be doing at carnegie hall on monday. >> really? >> you know you have made it when you are playing at corn gee hall. >> or you have a good friend who is playing carnegie hall and he asks you to join it either way it doesn't matter. >> great to see you. happy thanksgiving. >> you too. >> do you coddle your kid? is it hard to get them motivated? you are not alone, folks.
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don't worry, dr. phil here next with how to stop the wusification of america. >> help save a group of tourists. oh dear. 4g lte is the fastest. so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage
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than all other networks combined.
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we might still be making mix tapes. find this. pause this. play this. eject this. write this. it's like the days before esurance express lane™. you had to find a bunch of documents just to get a car insurance quote. now express lane finds your driving info with just one click, saving time to be nostalgic about the days before express lane. thank you, insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call.
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he serves up touch love on i syndicated talk show. playbook to survive in today's rapidly changing world. >> called the "live code." new rules for winning in the
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real world. joined by talk show host dr. phil mcgraw. >> thank you. >> we're excited to meet you and we are all parents of young children so we all need a lot of help. if you can only come out to our homes. >> make a house call? >> do you make house calls? >> no. particularly for little kids. i'm past that. i do have grand kids now. so, listen, writing this book, it was interesting. i did this book with my son, jay, he has a publishing company now. and he actually published this book. and it was interesting, because i say the world has really changed which is why i wrote it. it was interesting to think about the world i was born into and the world he was born into and now have grand kids and the world they are born into. and it is so different. >> what's the biggest change? >> well, the biggest change is information and access. what kind of access the world has to your children as they go out into the world. your job as parents is to
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prepare your child for the world, right? you are not going throb all the time. they have got to be prepared to be confident in the world. it's got to be the world they are going to go into. you don't want to prepare your children for the world that you wish they were going to live. in the world that they should live in. but the world they were live in. >> i'm the tech guy here. i had a guy ask me the other day are we in a future where we can expect to privacy for our kids? i say if you are on the internet, you are out there. you are out there. so you don't really have a right to privacy. that's the current world we live. in how do you prepare your kid for other people knowing everything about them? >> here is the thing. and the reason i called it "life code," which is kind of a techy name. there is a code for this. and i have said it because one of the things i do in here is win in this real world you need to decide what your image is and be very consistent about it.
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i'm going to be a good person. and then they go post something on one of these chat rooms. one of these social platforms that shows them drunk and somebody is writing on their face at a party. every time they apply to college that's going to come up. when the admission any googles them. that's inconsistent with that image. have you got to teach your kids there is no privacy because there is so much access at this point. >> sportsy one. i'm concerned about lessons i teach why kids in the sports world. today it seems. we're not keeping score. you want them to have self-limits. realize not everyone wins. >> that's the truth. there are some things that our parents taught us that don't hold anymore. what do you always hear? cheaters never win and winners
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never cheat. yeah, right. you know that's not true. have you got to teach your kids watch for the fact that people will try to take unfair advantage. life is competitive. and everybody doesn't get a trophy. when they go out to really compete they find out look, for example, girls, there is what is called a golden girl syndrome where girls come in these little towns where they are miss everything, go to college, everybody is miss everything. now they feel like oh my god, i'm a face in the crowd. so you just can't deal with it anymore. have you got to teach them how it really works. >> one of your tips is to be on the lookout for a baiter. can you tell us what those are. >> baiter is acronym for back stabber, abuser, imposter, taker e exploiter and someone that is reckless with your life and even with their own. these are the people that are ready to prey upon you and take what's yours. ranges from fed pedophiles grooming. talk about you behind your back, steal all your money and
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do those kind of things. they are in the world. we have got to tell people. the good news is they are identifiable. you can find these people. can you see them coming. i give you their secret playbook. i tell you how they worm their way into your life. and do the things that they do. these guys leave tracks. i have tracked them. >> great tips, dr. phil. >> like a rat. >> book is called "life code." >> you can only get it at the book how is that for tech. only available at the book not available in stores until after the first of the year. this is a presail. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> have a great thanksgiving. >> coming up on the show the ceo of pappa johns under attack for saying he may have to lay people off. that's not keeping people from supporting him. put some smoking dishes on your table.
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governor huckabee offering up one of his personal favorite recipes. [ malannouncer ] it'that time of year again. time for cii price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. buy now. save later. a new way to save on your prescriptions. it's the aarp medicarerx saver plus plan from unitedhealthcare. with this plan, you can get copays as low as a dollar through a preferred network pharmacy like walgreens --
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>> are you drooling this morning. >> i have been waiting to eat all morning. segment coming up. john chef and author of the cookbook. that's good too cookbook. new one out called too not 2 as in the numeral. >> john mac a more has changed my life. i have roasted a turkeyer year for the past 20 years for six hours in the oven. i basted it for every half an hour. i was a real old school traditionalist. >> this is the one meal a year you cook. >> i perfected it. and now i deep fry my turkey thanks to john. >> because it's easier. >> yes. and delicious. both. >> both. and the rub stuff he has on it is fantastic. >> governor huckabee is going to be out there with us in a few minutes. favorite recipe in john's cookbook that we are going to play out there for you. >> the huck can cook.
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>> yeah, can he. >> get to your headlines. so much for compromising. president obama hosting congressional leaders at the white house for talks to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. house minority leader nancy pelosi says no tax hike, no deal. >> close lop holes far too little money. and it could be they have said they want it to be revenue neutral. if it's going to bring in revenue. the president has been very clear that the higher income people have to pay their fair share. >> republicans argue now ♪ time to raise taxes on anyone if lawmakers don't reach a deal, hundreds of billions of dollars in tax increases and spending cuts go into effect january 1st. >> in new york, it apparently pays to be dead. you heard me. audit of the state's medicaid program from march of 2006, to february 2011, found that $1.9 million was coughed up for hundreds of people that were no longer alive.
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one person received more than $25,000 a year for seven years after he had died. that's a good business. in all, the audit found about $26.8 million in improper payments made by the program. people all over the country expressing their anger for obama care with their love of pizza. the group rebooting america organizing pappa johns appreciation day. that sounds familiar. it was meant to show support for john senator. senator. he has taken eat raise prices. they want to support business owners who are not afraid to say obama care will kill their profits. here is a dramatic rescue to show you off the coast of hawaii. this is all to save a dear. -- deer. >> what are they doing? >> i thought it was a huge turtle. >> hotel workers saw the deer swimming too far out and quickly grand a boat. they tried putting a flow station tube around the deer.
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once it was back on land, the deer laid down exhausted from the swim. eventually the workers released the deer back into the woods where deer belong not in the ocean. >> not in the ocean. >> learn something knew -- new every day from you alli. let's get back to rick reichmuth. >> got to get this on. you said your dadaid you have to do what. >> i have to say hello to him. hey dad and mom and mimi. >> hey, dad you got it on. take a look at the weather maps. across the central parts of the country, sometimes a week before thanksgiving you get a big storm across the central part of the country and it causes all kinds of travel problems. look at this. beautiful conditions next three days. southern plains, beautiful conditions the next three days. looking like it's going to be nice all the way through this coming week. i don't think we are going to have any big problems on the roadways or airports. across the east today.
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nice day. repeat in the pattern what i'm saying here. lots of sunshine. temps a little bit cool across parts of the northeast. maybe 3 to 4 degrees below where you should be this time of year. down to the southeast. we have rain across the eastern shores of florida. that will persist today and move up across the coast of the carolinas tonight and tomorrow. aside from that, we just have a very beautiful day. fall like temperatures there. into the northern plains, another warm day. nice conditions. plenty of sunshine all around. you go out to the west and that's where everything falls apart. rain and snow across parts of california and pacific northwest. moving into utah. that will continue with us next few days, a lot of of rain and snow into the pacific northwest. a lot of friday turkey. >> rick never gravitates towards me outside during the segment unless there is food involved. >> do you blame me? >> john mac amore is here and chef brand new cookbook sequel to new hit new cookbook
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doggone that's good too. t-o-o. >> what's the name of your new book. >> dear chandler, dear scarlet. that's the name of it? >> we had it up on the screen. >> so you are not only in that book, you are also in john's new book because you have got a recipe in here. >> this is a recipe for smoked tender lion. you only serve it to the very special friends and family. when you do, they will will think you are a genius. it's simple but the key to it is don't overthink this. >> john. you have had it in the smoker now for how long. >> we have had it for an hour. i'm going to show you how beautiful governor huckabee's cut of meat is i will come around and actually carve that up while governor you talk them through. you showed me how to do this recipe. >> actually, this is run of the rare pieces of meat where
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you don't need a lot of marinade. kosher salt. black pepper corns and olive oil. don't mess up the meet. this is such a great cut of meat. the key is letting the smoke and meat do their wonderful work together. i'm telling you, it is one of the most fantastic meals you will ever have. when we slice this up and you have a bite, you will will be slapping everybody out here on the plaza. you will be that excited. >> i might just do that anyway. >> you might. >> let's carve into this now. did you kill this yourself? >> no. it's a cow. i don't kill cows. i don't go hunting for people's cows. >> i would like to see that though. >> you left that in there about an hour. tell me about the smoker. this is from master built. this is that beautiful smoker. not that pricey. where can people pick this up. >> get this unit at bass pro. they are going to be here. go to master to get all the retailers. and show you how to do some
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recipes. master built has perfected how not only to smoke your recipes. i give you guys a slice of that new would like clayton. >> of course. >> because the smoker works on electricity and the thermostat controls it, it is fool proof because you just go by the temperature internally of the meat. don't attention so much for time. live by that thermostat and it will set you free. >> that's amazing. you are right i do want to slap a bunch of people. >> start with john. >> isn't that good? >> that's doggone good. >> we also compliment governor's tender lion smoked mac and cheese, some of our sweet potatoes, bacon wrapped asparagus. you can complement thanksgiving male tender lions. >> do it all at once. >> complete meal. >> after you this will
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probably be in a stupor and won't be able to watch football. >> we are going to show you a really good twist. we are going to take the smoked turkey that we have had in the smoker for the past two hours. we have injected it and flash fried it for two minutes per pound. we have gone from the smoker to the butter ball turkey fryer. we got a smoking friday deep fried turkey all the side dishes. and when we come back at the end of the show, we are actually going to be deep frying more turkeys and doing master built quarter pies. >> is that not fantastic? >> this is amazing. all of these recipes i will mention are on that is our own web site where we have all of the recipes up there don't forget to check out the cook bood book that's doggone too? >> i think there is enough for
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all of them to go around. >> you are locked out if you don't wring that tender -- bring that tender lion. the federal housing authority may need a bailout of their own. what it means for your house, your mortgage next. >> plus we show you the food. your favorite hood grill is showing you the booze. why one restaurant is adding more liquor to their menu. >> cheers. [ female announcer ] you spend weeks planning it. you spend all day cooking it.
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so why spend even a moment considering any broth but swanson? the broth cooks trust most to make the meal folks spend all year waiting for. in stuffing and more, the secret is swanson. is bigger than we think ... sometimelike the flu.fer from with aches, fever and chills- the flu's a really big deal. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source.
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so don't wait. call your doctor right away. tamiflu is prescription medicine for treating the flu in adults and children one year and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing. have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. the flu comes on fast, so ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu.
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>> talking about money down the drain. obama administration gave struggling car battery maker 1, 2, 3 systems nearly $1 million the same day it filed for bankruptcy.
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a company scored a 249-million-dollar grant back in 2009. and applebys is introducing some new spirited items to their menu. they include a chicken and portabella mushroom deal that uses cabernet denny glaze. pretzel with the beer cheese dip. delicious. you don't have to be 21 years or older either. the chain says the booze infused food is available to all ages. alli, it cooks off the alcohol, i do believe. no buzz included. >> i think you are right. you have a future as a waiter. >>. federal housing administration could be latest casualty that continues to limp to recovery. recent audit of the agency predicted loss of $16.3 billion at the end of 2013. for the terrorist full-time in 17 years the fha could need a bailout from taxpayers. so what does this mean for all of us? let's ask real estate expert
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kendra todd who joins us live from seattle. good morning, kendra. >> good morning. >> so as we just reported. the fha it was just reported yesterday could need this big -- it's going to face a projected loss of $16 billion. does that spell bailout automatically? >> well, technically federal housing administration is a government agency. don't actually need treasury and get the cash infusion they need when they need it. to date, the fha has been the government's only government agencies over 78 year history to see them have to
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potentially go to the treasury to get taxpayer funding. taxpayer bailout. raising annual insurance. premiums on fha loans going up by .1%. allowing insurance policies to laps after five years and homes have 22% equity. and sell 10,000 distressed mortgages every quarter. what do you think about these things? will these things work? >> it's hard to say. if you think about -- they are talking about raising the fees on borrowers. which will basically come to $13 per month per borrower. when you are talking about projected $16 billion deficit, i don't think $13 a borrower is really going to cut it i think it's a mad scramble at
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this point to sell pools of bad loans to investors. i think really it's going to come down to if and when the white house comes out with their annual budget, if they do that's really going to be a tell tell story for whether or not fha is going to need taxpayer assistance ken drarks we should also explain that you do have a contract with hud to dispose of the homes foreclosedden average american. what do you think this says about the house rg market in general? >> efficient program for getting through all of the defaults. however, what this means for americans is too things. number one, fha actually really avoided the mass catastrophe of the banking crisis because they have always had very very strict underwriting guidelines.
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when all of the private insurers left the market, pressure was put on fha to ensure loans that they would not have otherwise. right now the fha insures 15% of all the loans in america. they have a projected default rate of 25 to 30%. it's going to be a big hit to a very anemic housing recovery. we're not out of the clear. >> that can't be good for anybody. kendra todd, real estate expert. thanks so much for joining us with your expertise. all right. so long twinies, goodbye wonder bread. farewell dingdongs. unions force hostess to shut their doors and lay off more than 18,000 american workers. we'll have the story. 4g lte is the fastest.
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so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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the classic brands like swing r twinkies and wonder bread. reached labor deals with several unions, but not the one representing the bakers, the union refused to compromise on a bevy of issues and get back to work, and now the entire company is shutting its doors, they will liquidate. joining us now with more, the author of "shadow bosses" mallory factor. good to see you this morning, mollry. >> good morning, dave, how are you. >> dave: okay, better than the 18,500 people who are losing their jobs. the shocker here, the the teamsters agreed to a union. what was the sticking-- what was the issue that the bakers union could not
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resolve? >> there were a lot of issues, but the afl chief trumka, the shadow boss there, blames hostess' insolvency on bain style wall street vultures. the mainstream media blaming hostess' failure. but neither are correct. the private unions once again negotiated their members out of a job. >> dave: let's look at union obligations for hostess and why they had such a difficult time turning a profit and staying afloat. 372 collective bargaining agreements, 40 different pension plans. 5500 delivery routes, we were surprised to find that the union said they cannot deliver a twinky and wonder bread in the same truck, they required different routes. let me tell you what the baker had to say about this, the union, the not willing to take draconian wage and benefit cuts on top of the significant concessions they made in 2004, and give up their pensions so that wall street july tur capitalists in this company
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can walk away with millions of dollars. what about that acquisition, this is vulture capitalist people at work and listen, trying to maintain good wages and pensions for their members. >> that's nonsense, as you just said, union rules dictate that. you can't put hostess cakes and hostess bread in the same truck and when the deliveryman comes to the store you've got to use a pullup, a pullup is a worker who shelves the product and you have to have a different one for cake and a different one for bread and the driver isn't allowed to do it. >> dave: what happened? quickly, 90% of the union voted against this treatment. why didn't they take something knowing they were going to lose their jobs. >> it's the unions pushing for more an and more and negotiate their workers out of a job. and private sector unions continue to drive themselves and america out of business.
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>> dave: the author of "shadow bosses". we'll send you some twinkies. >> i'm look forward to it. >> dave: hamas launches hundreds of rockets into the holy land, now the israelis ramping up their forces getting close tower an allout war. that's next. ve lately. but because of business people like you, things are beginning to get rolling. and regions is here to help. making it easier with the expertise and service to keep those wheels turning. from business loans to cash management,
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we want to be your partner moving forward. so switch to regions. and let's get going. together.
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>> good morning, everyone, it's saturday, november 17th, i'm alisyn camerota, and israel is under fire as hamas launches hundreds of rockets into the holy land and now the israelis are ramping up their forces and getting even closer to an all-out war. we're live on the ground with the very latest details. >> dave: under oath, general david petraeus not only saying that he knew al-qaeda was behind the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, that his talking points were somehow changed. so who changed them and why? >> and they may be your last mine of defense in the event of emergency, a group of police officers now excused from passing a physical fitness test. we'll explain. "fox & friends," hour four
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starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, again, everyone, thanks for joining us, we have breaking news as we have throughout the show this morning, get used to it a lot it happening in the middle east, israel's fierce assault in gaza, hitting more than 800 targets after coming under attack and palestinians firing hundreds of rockets into israel including the holy city of jerusalem. >> leland vittert at the israeli-gaza border where it appears israel is ready for a ground war. governor huckabee feels it's not a matter of if there's a ground war, it's a matter of next. is that what you're seeing. >> that's certainly the way it looks on the ground. there's diplomacy that may prevent that, but the air ward
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is continuing, air raid sirens from villages around our position from the gaza strip there, we see number of rockets fly out. three at last count and then, fly over our heads. we're in where the battlefields would be for a grand offensive and as we drove around earlier we saw those israeli forces poised to go in. >> israel's ground forces are just waiting for the go order, those are the d-9 bulldozers that will lead the assault over the hill into gaza and the tanks and armored personnel carriers that will follow in just on the other side of this berm, in the gaza strip and in this protected area, they're using the time to zero in their canons with this target so when the tanks fire into gaza, they can hit it with pinpoint accuracy. >> we were at this position just 24 hours ago and there is significantly more activity and they have fuel trucks brought in and ammunition trucks brought in to supply the troops waiting for the go
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order. >> the war has taken to the airwaves, and the hamas tv airing in hebrew warning israelis they're not safe in their coffee shops and we miss the suicide bombings said the announcer, they come as the rockets fly out of gaza, and a battery is protecting tel aviv. and as we speak, there's a meeting going on in cairo, with the head of islamist jihad and and arab leaders here to see if they can try to broker some sort of cease-fire and the intermediate arearies with the israelis, 24 to 48 hours and that's not the time limit when we'll know if there's going to be a ground offensive or everyone is going to have to go about burying their dead. >> alisyn: we'll keep everyone updated. we're at the 11th hour and
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we'll see and pray for peace. >> dave: leland's safety as well. >> clayton: and the news, nothing is prance bigger than what went on yesterday at capitol hill and general david petraeus testifying before a closed door hearing yesterday on what he knew about the benghazi attack in libya and we're learning this morning, and a the lot of representatives, a lot of members of congress want answers. they want to know why the word al-qaeda was removed from the intelligence information given to the administration. and later, it was just put in there as extremists, so somebody knew, somebody removed it, but the intelligence community saying we told them it was al-qaeda. >> not just that, but general petraeus went to capitol hill and september 14th and from what i understand, he told them it was a spontaneous protest and now he says he knew from the start, it was terrorism. here is what two congressmen have to say. >> the initial talking points which were put together in an
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unclassified format at the request of the house intelligence complete initially did state that al-qaeda affiliated groups were involved. however, by the time we understand that went through its editing process after it left langley, that reference was taken out. >> what's so frustrating about the benghazi situation this administration's story has changed almost daily and when you think about it, our ambassadors died, others died here, this is so beyond politics, this is about our national security, this is about life and death of american civil servants, this is about the safety and security of our military. there is so much here that we're going to work hard to make sure that the american people realize their right to know. >> alisyn: there was another, by the way, curious moment yesterday. this all happened behind closed doors, but when come of the congressmen came out they reported what they had heard and it was interesting because they had different
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interpretations almost like where everybody hears the same thing and coming back. >> dave: from september 14th. >> alisyn: from yesterday thet different interpretations and peter king said that general petraeus went in and said as i told you on september 14th i knew this was terrorism. he was like, wait, wait, wait, you didn't say that on september 14th, you talked about the video. so, it was general petraeus was saying, like who are you going to believe, me or your own lying ears? i told you that on september 14th, peter king says that's not i recall. >> clayton: a stenographer to go over the papers? >> we need the doors to be open. >> dave: 9:45 eastern. >> alisyn: be here, clayton. >> clayton: i'm going to stick around. he's going to go friday a turkey. >> alisyn: the headlines and tell you what's happening, another fox news alert for you, police are on the scene of a deadly shooting in finlands right now, several media outlets reporting that three people have been killed at a farm in a small town.
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and sources say that the victims are all adults, it's not known if anyone else was hurt in the shooting or what prompted this, we'll bring you more details as soon as we get them into our news room. a search is underway for two workers still missing after an oil rig burst into flames in the gulf of mexico. the blast brings fears of another massive oil leak like the bp spill two years ago. the coast guard says no oil is leaking from the well. said to be when workers used a wrong blow torch. and a homemade watch triggered a bomb scare at oakland international airport. when authorities saw it they thought it was time to act. >> a to goggel switch on it, is circuit board and wires from it. >> alisyn: that's a sophisticated watch. and jeffrey says he's an artist and the watch was quote, art.
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the bomb squad determined there were no explosive materials in the watch and now facing charges of possessing materials to make an explosive device. check this out. a reminder that he's swimming in killer whale turf. that fin slicing through the water and chasing the dog out of the water. this happened in new zealand, just moments before the whale scared a fisherman out of the way in the same way. get back to your dog house!. >> dave: i'm mesmerized. thanks, ali. hundreds of thousands of people on the east coast, still reeling from super storm sandy and many people are picking up the papers and cleaning out their disaster-stricken homes. >> good morning, hundreds of veterans of iraq and afghanistan have joined the relief effort for hurricane
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sandy victims. team rubicon helps victims in disaster areas to bring order to their chaotic situation and gives veterans something they might be missing upon returning home. belonging to a group in service giving back to communities reeling from disasters. the group was in place and ready to go before hurricane sandy even hit and worked up to 18 hours a day and through the nor'easter, and to help remove debris, muck, sand and mold from homes throughout the region. the 29-year-old co-founder of the group, a veteran of iraq and afghanistan himself helps to see veterans that can harness their abilities in constructive ways. >> these veterans are not liabilities in their communities, they're assets. they have the ability to rise up and participate in leadership roles in the community and really, help turn this country around and bring a lot of good into this country when we're in need of good leadership and progress. >> team rubicon began some
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three years ago after the haiti earthquake and really has helped in the aftermath of nearly 50 disasters. everything from earthquakes to tornados, to humanitarian and refugee crisis around the world. they're in the rockaways, going home to home and the same personality trait at that helped them join the military that's giving them strength. when disaster strikes, they don't freeze up, they're ready to take action. we're going to take our hats and boots on and join them in the rockaways. >> probably the hardest hit because they had the fires, right? they lost some 50-plus homes. >> breezy point. >> yeah, and you know. >> where that plane crashed, a few years after 9/11, so, that community has been devastated. >> it has and a lot of first responders in that area as well and i've been covering the storm for almost two weeks and tuesday, three weeks and i haven't been out there, one of the few places i haven't been. >> they'll appreciate all of
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you. thanks, anna. >> clayton: coming up on the show, maybe make the 11th commandment, thou shalt not misspell. the commandments put up, not one, but two spelling areas, and it's in stone. >> dave: an embattled u.n. ambassador susan rice may be the president's pick for the secretary of state. is she fit for the job or should he pick someone else, former state department official kt mcfarland is in to weigh in on that. ♪ a little respect when you get home ♪ ♪ just a little bit ♪ just a little bit ♪ sy ain't gonna do you wrong ♪ [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8. or...try kids boxes! could've had a v8. music: "make someone happy" music: "make someone happy" ♪it's so important to make someone happy.♪ it's so important to make meone happy.♪ ♪make just one someone happy
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>> hillary clinton set to step down from her role as secretary of state and the main candidate to replace her, most think, is embattled u.n. ambassador susan rice, if chosen. how will she lead? is she the right pick for the
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post considering what she said on those five sunday shows after the attack in benghazi? >> here to help us answer all of those questions is former state department official and fox news contributor kt mcfarland. >> alisyn: you know the beltway parlor game. >> who is going to go where, and when are they going to go. >> alisyn: and most fingers point to susan rice as being replacement to secretary clinton, but now, given all this, do you think it can happen? >> not a chance. in washington, there's a game and i worked at the pentagon and there's a game called, fly it up the flagpole and see if anybody salutes. nobody is saluting at the nomination of susan rice, now, why? why don't i think they're going to do it. and confirmation hearings, what's going to happen? they're going to ask about benghazi, who changed those talking points? why did you have that fairy tale about a demonstration and a youtube video. the last thing the administration wants. they don't want an enemy, they'll put her name forward,
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not going to be support. withdraw it, give her another job, probably one that doesn't need senate confirmation. >> dave: if she's your pick, why do you put her out there. the president didn't believe everything in the talking points, i can't imagine he believed that. let me read you a quote about susan rice, she's ill-equipped to be the nation's top and she's managed to make an impressive array of enemies, that's from a liberal columnist, a very far left columnist, at washington post, and she has enemies on both sides of the aisle. >> yeah, and put her through a senate confirmation hearing and remember, also, the president's got good political capital why waste it there,'s got to replace secretary of state, cia, head of-- and maybe even treasury, why waste it on that and at the same time use political capital to get the fiscal
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cliff and blout sequestration and i wouldn't use it there. >> alisyn: what's going on in israeli right now. what's going to happen do you think in terms of a ground war? and reports they are poised. is that just a show of force or is something about to happen there? >> i think that something is about to happen, now why? could take this as a make my day, clint eastwood moment. hamas has leveled some missiles on israel so israel counter attacks and i think what israel wants to do is get rid of all the missiles and missile batteries that threaten israel not only for now, but for later. because, if israel does a preemptive attack on iran's nuclear sites say six months down the the road, retaliation would be from those missiles, if israel right now is sort of doing a preemptive move to allow them to do another preemptive move later on. >> dave: the video were you just seeing was live video after explosion that just happened. what does that do to the u.s.? do they have to enter this, not with troops by any means. >> no. >> dave: but if israel goes in
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with a ground war, what is our position on all of this considering that egypt is appearing to defend hamas in this situation. >> you hit on the real key to this. what does egypt do, they have a 40-year peace treaty with israel, haven't fought each other for 40 years, does the new government, muslim brotherhood of egypt abrogate that treaty? does the muslim brotherhood of egypt say these are my muslim brotherhood brothers in the gaza strip with hamas, and align themselves. does egypt open the border between gaza and egypt and allow weapons to go from gaddafi's old weapons from libya through egypt to gaza. watch what egypt does that dictates what america does, at the end of the day, i don't think it's going to happen, but if egypt joins a fight with hamas against israel, the united states is in an awkward position. both of those militaries, the egyptian and-- >> that's what we were worried about, mubarak out and the
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power vacuum, the leadership vacuum and the idea that the prime minister of egypt now is there, allegedly for peace talks, but saying nothing heartening for israel and is saying, we stand with the palestinians, they're the true heroes, it's just worrisome. >> and also he's in a weird position, if he does look too friendly to israel the radical extremists in egypt and other countries say, wow, air not far enough over in our direction. >> dave: yeah, and hamas is an off shoot of the muslim brotherhood and complicates the situation. kt mcfarland. >> thanks. >> alisyn: you may want to call them unfit for duty, but a group of police officers now excused from having to pass a physical fitness test, we'll explain why. >> dave: they're the backbone of our economy, but is president obama doing enough to help small businesses thrive in america? we ask three small business owners what's at stake now that the president has been reelected? >> they look normal size to me. >> dave: especially the
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gentleman in the middle. >> alisyn: they're not small. ♪ 4g lte is the fastest. so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. is bigger than we think ... sometimelike the flu.fer from with aches, fever and chills- the flu's a really big deal. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source.
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>> time for some quick headlines, the at age 24, this miss america contestant is opting for a double mastectomy. she says she carries a genetic mutation leaving her at risk for breast cancer, that claimed her mother's life. and plans on having surgery in 2014 if she wins this year's misamerica pageant. and the largest federal employees union blocking new basic fitness standards for
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civilian officers at andrews air force base. the american federation of employees object claiming they were not consulted about any of these changes and let's go to clayton. >> clayton: thanks, ali. small businesses are the backbone of the u.s. economy, 60 to 80% of all new jobs, has the president done enough, let's ask our panel. a member of power thinking, butch is president and ceo of dover group in the center and mike payne, the owner of payne's recycling down fdn and i think it's great to have you all here this morning and represent sort of different markets of the small business market. let me start with you, what you guys do, you provide training, helping individuals create positive thinking and getting out in the workplace and maybe learning a new skill set. >> yes. >> clayton: we've heard a lot about people retrained in the job force.
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>> well, this is all about our thinking. many times when we face add university, losing a job, losing a loved one, we go into a shell, we fall into depression, many times. what we do is try to get people out of that shell, and find radical ways of thinking, challenging your own beliefs and thinking differently to get the job done and i think that's what needs to happen in washington. we have to get out of that shell of partisanship and focus on how we get the job done. and what we've done during the storm sandy, hurricane sandy, where, you know, partisanship was out of the window and we focused on getting the job done and we need to act with that same sense of urgency and think out of the box. and we, as the electorate need to hold them accountable, by doing something radical. maybe unaffiliating with parties, send them a message that we want you guys to work together. >> clayton: so, maybe some sort after bipartisan approach, head of the dover group, 30 years in business, and one of the areas largest providers of food services. you're out there in the
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community, having to deal with the infrastructure that we hear so often about. is washington doing enough for you? are you hearing what you want to hear from washington? certainly we're hearing the fiscal cliff talks this past week, are you getting nervous or thinking more positively? >> i'm a little more positive. before we have any conversation, we have no direction. right now, people don't know, even with the talks you don't know what's going to happen. it's christmas time and maybe still is. they survive on the month of december. and people, are the tax cuts going to be continued in january or not. >> tell us about the uncertainty, that's an important thing and i'll get both of you at the end of the line, that uncertainty with hiring, maybe you want to add a few more employees to your work force, a few new routes that you want to add in your delivery service and so forth. are you hearing enough that it gives you confidence that you can do that? >> no, we're on freeze right now, because we don't know what's going to happen with the health care, is the health care going to affect us? it's a thousand page manual and we don't know how to interpret it.
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is it going to hurt us, help us, definitely cut into the bottom line and i don't want to hire anybody else, and afford that. >> mike, the same thing. >> tell us what you operate and what you hear from washington, good or bad? >> we operate, we have 76 people, employees, really, partners in the company. what we're hearing from washington, concerns the heck out of me. it's very partisan, it is very finger pointing, and i don't believe any of the folks in washington really are there to work together to make a change. >> do you agree with stanley then? we have to get positive, we have to maybe step away from party, how do you do that? this is in your wheel house. >> well, i think the way it's done, and unfortunately, when we vote, we feel very empowered and our elected officials get in. and that's when they stop listening to us, and then they do their thing. what we need to do is to continue to hold them accountable.
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the way we've done it in the past hasn't worked. we'll send them letters and make phone calls and we don't do enough of that. but if we decide, look, i'm not going to affiliate with any party, republican, democrat, i'm going to unaffiliate, in fact, i'm going to do that this coming week and that will send a strong message, hey, they're serious, let's figure out how we can work together. it can get done when people decide to come together no matter what affiliation, they can get it done. >> clayton: what's the problem? is it just special interests getting involved once they get in there and don't want to pay attention, they're answerable and accountable to special interest? >> exactly, only special interest and not paying attention to the regular people and talking with the ceo in the american express, he's not in trouble. meet with the the people in the street having the little hardware store or the little coffee shop. >> these aren't the guys that buy influence, right? your waste management company. 76 employees, but these aren't the people that are getting the big green energy contracts or the billions of dollars
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going out to different companies, right? these are the special interest. >> it's the real people doing the job that create the jobs. it's the hardware store, it's the catering business that hires people to get through. it's the papa john. i respect him even more than i did before for taking a stand on health care. the rule that full-time employees are 30 hours? i'd love to only work 30 hours, well, no, i wouldn't. my wife wouldn't like that, but we have got to address that. >> and the final word here, stan. >> sure, bottom line, electorate, citizens of the united states must do something different. let's not continue to do the same thing and expect a different result. and i'd say, unaffiliate, we'll get attention that way. you think about the election, what happens. do we need election, the focus is on the independents, the undecided. they have the power. well, then let's become independents. let's send the message that we don't care about party affiliation, what care about is you getting the job done
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and getting it done now. >> hopefully they're hearing that, and if they seem to be paying attention, it's great to see you guys. all small business owners a lot of great perspective here this morning, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> have a great thanksgiving. coming up on the show, general david petraeus testifying he knew the attack in benghazi was orchestrated by benghazi. he says his talking points were changed. why the swap? congressman peter king was inside that closed door hearing and joins us coming up. and no more twinkies, no more ding-dongs and you guys are upset about it. blame the unions for that or how their bloated demands put the iconic snack company out of business. 18,000 people out of work. ♪
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rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase.
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♪ >> got any drinks? coffee cake. oh, where did you get that? >> in my office, i've got a whole box of them. >> that's the full size.
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not too bad. >> can i have a bite? >> i only give out bites. i've got another one, but i'm saving it for later. . >> dave: that was of course to buy newman's silence for the affair with that lady there. >> clayton: thanks for break it go down. >> alisyn: we're laughing. >> clayton: coffee cakes owned no more by hostess and one of my favorites the coffee cake. >> alisyn: it's delicious, but a serious story even though we're laughing and obviously, twinkies are ripe for parody, but 18,000 people have lost their jobs and what happened was, there was a battle between the unions and the workers at, is it hostess. and they were very close to reaching a deal. teamsters union, they were extremely close, within hours, reaching a deal and a smaller union, the bakers union, came in and said, no, we actually have more objections and today, 18,000 people are out
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of work. >> dave: it was difficult for hostess trying to turn a profit, trying to stay alive. obviously their business has decreased in this era. some the complications with unions are these. 372 collective bargaining agreements, they had 40 different pension plans, over5,000 new delivery routes to give you one example. they couldn't carry bread and twinkies in the same truck because the union demands. so, look, they had to close shop. they had to liquidate. will someone buy the brand in all likelihood, but those 18,500 jobs are lost. here is what the union, that bakers union is saying, they're not willing to take draconian wage and benefit cuts on top of the significant concessions they made in '04 and gave up their pension to wall street vulture capitalists who control the company who can walk away with millions of dollars. and not clear if they'll walk away with millions of dollars. the future of the brand is the not yet known. >> clayton: we don't know the future of the brand and whether or not somebody will buy this out and then
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producing twinkies in another capacity or ho-hoes or donuts. >> alisyn: and hiring more people. >> dave: hiring moore people. >> clayton: think of the web of weirdness, the unions, to your point you can't have the wander bread on the same truck with the twinkies and arrive to stock the shelves, you can't have one person who drove the truck go in and stock the shelves. somebody else, pull them onto the shelves. >> alisyn: right. and the bigger irony, there was a stinking point over their benefits, now, having to pay a bit more into their benefits and now they're without a job. so. >> dave: hardly makes sense. >> alisyn: employees are happy this is the end result of the negotiation? >> 90% of the bakers union voted in favor of what they ultimately did here, reject this deal. did they think they were going to lose their job? >> called their bluff. >> dave: they thought hostess was bluffing. and the front of the post, rip
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hostess, and we make light of it with the twinkie, but it's an unfortunate story. >> alisyn: the rest of the headlines, what else is happening. a man to strap a bomb to blow himself in the new york city subways doing rush hour learns his fate. he's spending the rest of his life behind bars. during his sentences he spent several minutes singing the verses from the koran, and says he's innocent. he's an american citizen. and many losing their jobs over obamacare, striker makes replacement knees likes this one, laying off 1170 workers, making the cuts, you know, though the founders grandson is one of the president's biggest supporters. he donated more than 2 million dollars to the president's super pac.
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well, a monument is on display at the oklahoma state capital. the problem is there's not one, but two misspelling. the word sabbath is spelled with an e. and maid servant. u instead of a v. the they will be correcting the mistake. pulling the plug on a tv favorite. >> i feel like we should walk before we run, now what i mean? >> my father's had a tendency to go to the extremes, this is one of those times. well, american chopper is going off the air after ten years. >> oh. >> and it's one of the most popular shows, following the father-son team and they'll build their last bike for the show next month. >> clayton: how many bikes can you build. >> alisyn: those are your headlines. >> dave: up next, congressman peter king was in the closed door hearings when general
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david petraeus set his talking points on the benghazi terror attack were somehow changed. who does the congressman think did it and why? we'll ask next. >> clayton: a check with neil cavuto, what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. >> hey, guys, good morning, 44 days and counting, lots of talk that we're still driving toward that fiscal cliff. now some lawmakers fuelly looking for more stimulus as part of the deal. some say enough already, we are a spent. and yaurment opening on thanksgiving day, could this labor battle be the grinch that steals the holiday shopping season. the cost of freedom at the top of hour, we'll see you then. [ camera clicks ] ♪ it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. [ man ] whoo-hoo! [ male announcer ] with reddi wip... that's so weird...
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>> fox news alert now. you're looking live at tel aviv where an explosion is being heard for the third straight day. it was a missile being intercepted by israeli defense. israel care i go out close to
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200 air strikes today in gaza after an unprecedented rocket strike aimed at jerusalem. up to 75,000 israeli reservists may be called up as all signs at this point point to a ground invasion. ali. >> alisyn: all right. dave, thanks so much. as you know, the battle for truth is underway, general david petraeus testified the cia's benghazi talking points toward change do not include an al-qaeda reference. but changed by whom? congressman peter king is the chairman of the homeland security committee and the member of the house intelligence committee inside the closed door committee and thanks for being here. >> thank you, alisyn. >> all right, so did general david petraeus tell you yesterday that he always believed that this was the result of a terror attack and is that what he told you on september 14th, the first time he testified in front of your committee? >> well, general petraeus, as said lately, did believe from
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the start it was a terrorist attack, quite frankly, that wasn't my recollection of his original briefing and that really has to be resolved in the future. whatever that is. my concern right now is though, you know, why, why, when the cia had it right originally that this was a terror attacks why those talking points were changed and i think that's going to be a process that's going to be on going to find out who did it and why. >> alisyn: and who do you think could have changed those talking points? you know how it works, it came out of langley, out of the cia headquarters, reading one way, and when it came out of ambassador susan rice's mouth it read another way, who does change those things? >> goes through a process and that's why it's important to find out why it was done. it could be anywhere in the defense department, state department, justice department, the white house. find out why, why it was done, what the purpose of it was. i think this is something that, again, has to be looked at. now, they may have a valid reason, i, again, i have my own beliefs for whatever
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reason the administration honestly believed that the war against al-qaeda was pretty much over and that was the message they want today present. on the other hand, they may have some valid reason, we have to look at it and there's a number of committees that have jurisdiction here, a number of different agencies and departments who have to be looked at. intelligence committee looks at the cia and intelligence community and you have the department of affairs committee and you have the judiciary committee, services committee and look at their respective areas. >> alisyn: okay. given there's all of that sort of bureaucratic tangled web, how are you going to get to the answer of who changed those? >> well, because it is so spread out it's not going to be that easy. i think the intelligence committee has done what it has to do. we had to find out and now it has to be the other committees, again, maybe there will be a, a broader investigation, but we have to find it out. find out what the motives were, what the reasons, where it was done. how it was done and again, what, what prompted him to do it and because clearly, the
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intelligence community had it right, and somewhere along the line, the policy makers changed this. >> alisyn: the president in his press conference offered a big support for ambassador susan rice and basically said, look, don't blame her, the buck stops with me, she had nothing to do with benghazi. why would the administration have sent someone out who had nothing to do with benghazi? >> well, that's the president is claiming now that ambassador rice had nothing to do with benghazi, why put her out there? all i can think of was perhaps they felt she was articulate and that also, this was her audition for secretary of state, 'cause certainly she is he' one of the favorites for secretary of state and they thought this would give her an opportunity, but even if she were given talking points, generally, if you go on a show like that you ask questions, i would like to find out who she spoke to, know the national security council spokes people she spoke to, who briefed her on that. i hope she didn't do five
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national shows based on three brief talking points that were handed to her by somebody. you know, again, maybe the president is right. maybe the person we should be looking the at is the president himself, as to what his role in this was or what the role of his staff was. >> alisyn: well, you have a lot of questions for ambassador susan rice, will you call her in front of the committee? >> well, you know, this is chairman mike rogers is the chairman of the intelligence committee and also, for the most part, we deal with the intelligence community. so this is really a bifurcated process here, i'm not trying to throw bureaucrat particular's obstacles in your way or people's way and we've limited by the jurisdiction we have and primarily involving the intelligence committee. >> alisyn: you can't call-- you think that ambassador rice may have the answers, can your committee call her? >> oh, yeah, we can call her, you know, the other day, patrick kennedy testified before the committee and he's from the state department. so, we can, but this would primarily be the house of
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foreign affairs committee the one with primary jurisdiction over susan rice or the senate foreign relations committee. >> alisyn: thanks so much it's helpful to have your first person viewpoint from inside that room and obviously a lot more questions that need to be answers. thanks so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> alisyn: we show you how to smoke your thanksgiving dinner and now we're going to show you how to deep friday. from turkey to dessert we're frying up delicious turkey day dishes next. ♪ she thinks my tractor's sexy ♪ ♪ it really turns her on ♪ she's staring at me while i'm chugging along ♪ 4g lte is the fastest.
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>> all right. it's time to fatten us up here. looking for a way to change up your holiday meal this week. why not try a deep fried thanksgiving ali. >> here with the tips and tricks you need to know. the chef and author of the new cookbook. that's good, too! i can't twang when i'm around. >> i love to hear the ladies say my cookbook. and it's all about the number one cook day of the year, thanksgiving. right. deep fry your turkey safely. and we've fried a lot of turkeys and done it year after year here. the message is three easy steps. >> okay. >> number one. >> alisyn: take us through them. >> number one, prepare your turkey, want to make sure it's completely thawed, free of any
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ice, give it a warm water bath. number one. number two, injected with 16 ounces of butterball buttery creole, this entire recipe on master how to get to know your friar and fry your turkey. >> and go to we will have the recipes. >> or go to alisyn's house. >> alisyn: i was afraid of this. john. let's see you dunk it in. i'm afraid of this, i'm like stand back, children, the easiest thing. >> easiest. >> three steps, prepare your turkey, make your it's thawed. we injected it, season it, lower it into the turkey friday fryer, you hook it there. >> very safe. >> we're in the studio hereof fox and this is how incredibly easy, there is no flame.
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there is no worries, you don't have to worry about the weather this thanksgiving. lower it into the turkey friar how easy it is. >> we're inside and do you recommend doing that outside. >> no, when you're using the butterfly indoor turkey fryer, you're using it indoors. if you're using propane, absolutely outside, but indoors. >> clayton: and you can deep fry in the same fryer some desserts and you have a beautiful pear dessert. >> this is the reveal when you know. when you fry your turkey and let it rest, that's how pretty it looks, go from deep frying your turkey, in the same, same turkey friar, show you how to do the dessert. we've saute'd some pears. and in the cookbook we have a recipes, saute' pears in butter, everything is good in butter, and nutmeg, two
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tablespoons of brown sugar and roll it over. the secret to the pear pie, give it a little weld and roll it over and make the easiest pie. >> alisyn: and you fry that. >> you fry that. >> when we come back on "fox & friends" we'll see what these two things think of the pie. >> i will fry it for you. >> have a twinkie here, throw it in the deep fryer? you eat the twinkie, i'll eat the pear pie. >> stick around. ♪ if i should call you up, invest a dime ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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. >> neil: the thanksgiving drink that won't pack on the pounds like your deep fried desserts might. >> look at john, he's sv


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